vattam / BSDGames

Text based games from Debian - bsdgames package.
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Problems with building due to Boggle dictionary #6

Open molleraj opened 6 years ago

molleraj commented 6 years ago

After running ./configure and trying to make in both Lubuntu 16.04 and Cygwin, building stops with this issue:

make: *** No rule to make target '/home/abraham/BSDGames/temp-dictionary', needed by 'boggle/mkdict/dictionary'. Stop.

Is this a problem with the makefile or with ./configure? sudo make does not help either. Thanks.

saufrecht commented 5 years ago

It looks like it may be related to the debian patch tha comes with bsdgames source:


+# Always use the same wordlist for boggle, and don't use web2, it's too
+# big. Instead, use the union of the wenglish and wbritish wordlists.

configure defaults to /usr/share/dict/words: game_ask boggle "Dictionary for boggle (CHECK ANSWER)" dictionary_src /usr/share/dict/words

With the patch, it instead looks for temp-dictionary. But nothing in the build chain provides a rule to create temp-dictionary. So the make fails.

A workaround: manually create temp-dictionary. For example:

ln -s /usr/share/dict/words temp-dictionary