vault-development / react-native-svg-uri

Render SVG images in React Native from an URL or static file
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import SvgIcon from 'react-native-svg-uri'; #32

Closed dantman closed 7 years ago

dantman commented 7 years ago

I'm getting this error while trying to use this in RN 0.40. Error while updating property 'd' in shadow node of type: RNSVGPath

Relevant code:

import SvgIcon from 'react-native-svg-uri';

<SvgIcon width={24} height={24} svgXmlData={'<svg fill="#000000" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" xmlns="">\n    <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>\n    <path d="M7 13c1.66 0 3-1.34 3-3S8.66 7 7 7s-3 1.34-3 3 1.34 3 3 3zm12-6h-8v7H3V5H1v15h2v-3h18v3h2v-9c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4z"/>\n</svg>'} style={{opacity: 0.54}} />
dantman commented 7 years ago

Nevermind, I had to deal with a breaking change in react-native-svg and recompile my app.