vault713 / wallet713

A wallet that makes it easy to send, store, and swap Grin.
Apache License 2.0
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Add destination field to encrypted message #110

Closed jaspervdm closed 5 years ago

jaspervdm commented 5 years ago

This PR adds a destination field to the encrypted message wrapper, which can be used in transaction proofs. At the moment the field is optional, but we could make it mandatory during the first Grin hardfork

ravidio commented 5 years ago

@jaspervdm this looks great! just one comment - would it be better maybe to change the output of verify-proof to add in the sender? I.e. it now proves that X sent Y some Z grins, in case sender.is_some() so might be good to print this out in proof_ok. Additionally maybe if there's no sender it would be nice to show a warning?

jaspervdm commented 5 years ago

@ravidio Yes this was planned, it is added now