vawser / Smithbox

Smithbox is a modding tool for Elden Ring, Armored Core VI, Sekiro, Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls.
MIT License
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Error after attempt to launch. :c #36

Closed BROKETHEWITCH closed 5 days ago

BROKETHEWITCH commented 3 weeks ago

Error message An item with the same key has already been added. Key: [, StudioCore.Editors.TextureViewer.TextureFolderBank+TextureViewInfo]

This is right after launching the program. All 3 required programs have been installed.

BROKETHEWITCH commented 3 weeks ago

Smithbox - Version

An item with the same key has already been added. Key: [, StudioCore.Editors.TextureViewer.TextureFolderBank+TextureViewInfo]

at System.Collections.Generic.TreeSet1.AddIfNotPresent(T item) at System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet1.Add(T item) at System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value) at StudioCore.Editors.TextureViewer.TextureFolderBank.AddTextureFolder(String path, TextureViewCategory category, Boolean isModFile) in ./src/StudioCore/Editors/TextureViewer/TextureFolderBank.cs:line 310 at StudioCore.Editors.TextureViewer.TextureFolderBank.FindTextureFolder(String folderDir, String fileExt, TextureViewCategory category) in ./src/StudioCore/Editors/TextureViewer/TextureFolderBank.cs:line 284 at StudioCore.Editors.TextureViewer.TextureFolderBank.ScanPartsFolder(TextureViewCategory category) in ./src/StudioCore/Editors/TextureViewer/TextureFolderBank.cs:line 193 at StudioCore.Editors.TextureViewer.TextureFolderBank.LoadTextureFolders() in ./src/StudioCore/Editors/TextureViewer/TextureFolderBank.cs:line 52 at StudioCore.TextureViewer.TextureViewerScreen.OnGUI(String[] initcmd) in ./src/StudioCore/Editors/TextureViewer/TextureViewerScreen.cs:line 220 at StudioCore.Smithbox.Update(Single deltaseconds) in ./src/StudioCore/Smithbox.cs:line 617 at StudioCore.Smithbox.Run() in ./src/StudioCore/Smithbox.cs:line 327 at Smithbox.Program.Main(String[] args) in ./src/Studio.App/Smithbox/Program.cs:line 36

vawser commented 3 weeks ago

I'll look into this, looks like a missing condition before the dictionary add. Might be due to the new update too.

BROKETHEWITCH commented 3 weeks ago

Ok thanks. I'll just wait for update.