vawser / Yapped-Rune-Bear

Personal version of Yapped for Elden Ring
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1.06 Decimals and Data Import #18

Closed BurgersMcFly closed 2 years ago

BurgersMcFly commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately decimals are still messing up with Yapped's values.

soffice bin_CdWFKKbJUS Yapped_w7fSpqCZBK

Data Import is fast af! Gj

But need to click on a different Row for the values to actually update. Is cool, just thought of letting you know, might be a bug I don't know lol D:

vawser commented 2 years ago

I've tried to replicate this issue and the import was fine for me, the 1.5 retained the correct value.

However my test is directly with the CSV file without importing it into a spreadsheet application, which may be why it is being messed up for you, since spreadsheet software can make assumptions when it comes to CSV files, and so saving it may be causing the "." to be dropped in some way.

BurgersMcFly commented 2 years ago

Like just edit it in something like notepad ++?

Will try again when back home and imma let you know.

*Thing is, the same thing is happening when changing 1.5 to 1,5 directly in the gui, no csvs and excels involved lol. 1,5 is 15 for yapped

vawser commented 2 years ago

Oh. I see the issue here. I don't intend to support other decimal locales. Yapped should export it as 1.5, and then it is up to you to make sure the spreadsheet doesn't change it to 1,5.

BurgersMcFly commented 2 years ago

K mate, thanks a lot.

Does that mean that Yapped defaults to "." for decimals no matter where you live?

vawser commented 2 years ago

It should now the InvariantCulture is set. However spreadsheet software will convert it to your locale, which explains people's issues if they use it to edit the CSV file.

BurgersMcFly commented 2 years ago

Awesome, will make sure to let them know. Thanks again.