vawser / Yapped-Rune-Bear

Personal version of Yapped for Elden Ring
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It is recommended that you use a comma as the delimiter for csv files #19

Closed SweetInk closed 2 years ago

SweetInk commented 2 years ago

If you use a semicolon as a delimiter, the csv file will not be displayed correctly in Excel

vawser commented 2 years ago

You can change this in the Yapped settings menu. Although row names use commas, so semi-colons are less likely to cause issues there. You can always find and replace them after exporting too.

BurgersMcFly commented 2 years ago

Use ";" for delimiter, "." for decimals. Best compatibility with other mods and less headaches with Yapped.

Export Data. Click on the .csv file and hit Edit. Press Enter on the first line so as to create a blank line in the beginning. Type sep=;

Excel should now display everything correctly but will save with "," if that's what you're using in your country.

Just open the newly saved csv with libreoffice and do File->Save as->Tick the Edit Filter Settings->and save with ";" for delimiter.

Could just use libreoffice. But there's some params that have way too many rows and it won't even read them all lol.

bilbop commented 2 years ago

or you can do what i do... i have own set of data, USING , as separator = default of couse all texts i replaced ", " with " - " so data are still intact.