vawser / Yapped-Rune-Bear

Personal version of Yapped for Elden Ring
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Error while importing CSV data for elden ring #49

Open Awesin opened 2 years ago

Awesin commented 2 years ago

There is a pop up that comes when I import data from a CSV file for Elden Ring mod. It says "Invalid value for the row". However, I used to use the same csv file for an older version of Yapped, (The one where you had to go to Bin > x64 > Yapped) and the error did not come then. Can you assist on why the error may be occuring? Screenshot 2022-05-02 182720

vawser commented 2 years ago

Older versions of Yapped used boolean values. But with the change to the Paramdex, all of those boolean fields have become integer fields, with 0 being false and 1 being true. So older CSV files will contain invalid strings such as True or False, throwing that error.

If you want to fix it, the easiest way would be to open the CSV file in a text editor and use Find and Replace to replace "True" with "1" and "False" with "0".

Awesin commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply. Could you also help me with a similar error for values of "-1"? This too did not occur in the previous versions. I apologise for the pestering. -1

howrang44 commented 2 years ago

Hello, is there a way to skip these messages ? i would really appreciate it

ErsteNacht commented 1 year ago

I encountered a similar error when importing an old CSV into DSMapStudio. In my case, the solution was to replace all the ';' signs with ',' and delete the 'Row' in the first line that contains the 'Row ID,Row Name,.....' and in some cases, add 'reserve' to that line. To find out the differences, I simply exported the standard data to a CSV file and compared it with the old CSV. In the web text comparison service. Excuse my English, I use a translator ;)

macidepericles commented 1 year ago

@ErsteNacht Dude I had the same issue, but the Data and the field, have the same information, the same format... -1 Cara eu tive o mesmo problema, mas o dado que acusa o erro exatamente no mesmo campo, é o mesmíssimo dado com o mesmo formato ou seja, -1. Nem sei mais o que fazer... modifiquei e organizei os dados do CSV para que ficassem iguais ao original e resolvi o primeiro problema mas agora to nesse. Yapped Bear diz que o campo é invalido mas eu pego o arquivo original importado por ele, e é a mesma coisa... tentei importar utilizando um programa de planilhas importei somente os dados novos baseados no CSV do mod, foi sucesso mas dá a mesma mensagem depois quando tento importar para o mod do game usando o yapped. Sad....