Closed reprogrammer closed 13 years ago
This problem is caused by the SVN merging marks that were introduced in the file as a result of a data upload that failed due to a conflict. Here are details on how SVN marks conflicting files:
The file contains the following pattern:
<<<<<<< .mine
This is fun stuff!
This is a documentation file
>>>>>>> .r6
We can fix this problem in two ways:
This is a postprocessing fix that should be applied on the collected data after the participant stopped writing into this file (it could be applied on an intermediate file as well, but then it would have to be reapplied on the final file anyway).
The file was manually fixed and committed to the local repository.
failed to parse CodingTracker's log atcs-509/25b9a309-33c7-4c9d-9919-776fb44e8614/