vb6rocod / utils

resolve video hosting servers
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Ajutor,te rog! #8

Open scara78 opened 4 years ago

scara78 commented 4 years ago

Poti sa faci un script pentru https://database.gdriveplayer.us/player.php?imdb=tt66666,am incercat sa extrag codul din link1.php de la HDDLINKS dar nu imi merge.Nu stiu php, dar mi-ar prinde bine ajutorul tau. Vreau sa-mi exporte ca si la ffembed.php, linkul direct catre fisierul video de la google.

Multumesc anticipat

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

vezi gdriveplayer.php. Sper sa fie ce vrei.

scara78 commented 4 years ago

multumesc din suflet

scara78 commented 4 years ago

Ideea este ce vreau sa implementez in Jwplayer subtitrare automata in romana,am pus un script online care imi da subtitrare automat dupa imdbid. https://subtitrariro.now.sh/tt1179933

Crezi ca va merge chestia asta? Se pare ca subtitrarea este in format vtt, dar Json.Poti sa adaptezi scriptul ca sa ia si subtitrarea ?


vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

Vezi ca am facut o implementare cu opensubtitles. gdriveplayer_rum.php, opensubtitles_down.php si pt. buton download download.svg. cautarea se face dupa imdb, Cautarea se face dupa subtitrari in romana si engleza (primele fiind cele in romana). Poti modifica $lang_search="rum,eng"; Ca sa limitezi numarul de subtitrari afisate in lista de subtitrari in jwplayer modifica $max_download=10; (la cautare limita e 100). Daca folosesti doar in scop personal foloseste pt. opensubtitle user agent $ua_opensuptitles="TemporaryUserAgent"; Poti sa-ti inregistrezi si tu gratuit un user-agent. Subtitrarile se descarca doar cand alegi o alta subtitrare in jwplayer. Subtitrarile ANSI sunt codate in UTF-8 ca sa nu afiseze patrate si cerculete pt. diacritice. Daca serverul nu e local modifica $sub_filename="opensubtitles_down.php?id=".$arrsub[$key][2]."&token=".$token; cu http://...../opensubtitles_down.php

Sper sa te ajute....

scara78 commented 4 years ago

A ajutat, sa-ti dea Dumnezeu sanatate!! Am vazut ca da duplicat sursele si subtitrarile,in special daca daca e numai una singura,dar nu-i nimic. O zi placuta.

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

Nu e duplicat, asa sunt puse pe opensubtitles (nu e din php). Pentru ce ai pus tu initial poti folosi codul ``function formatSeconds( $time ) { $hours = 0; $milliseconds = substr($time, -3); $seconds = substr($time, 0, -3); if ( $seconds > 3600 ) { $hours = floor( $seconds / 3600 ); } $seconds = $seconds % 3600;

return str_pad( $hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) . gmdate( ':i:s', $seconds ) . ",".$milliseconds ; } $l="https://subtitrariro.now.sh/tt1179933"; $r=json_decode(file_get_contents($l),1); //print_r ($r); $out=""; for ($k=0;$k<count($r);$k++) { $out .=($k+1)."\n"; $out .= formatSeconds($r[$k]['start'])." --> ".formatSeconds($r[$k]['end'])."\n"; $out .= $r[$k]['text']."\n"."\n"; } echo $out; '` Oricum e munca dubla, sursa fiind tot opensubtitles. In plus cum majoritatea subtitrarilor sunt inca ANSI o sa vezi caractere ciudate la diacritice.

scara78 commented 4 years ago

Am pus in scriptul ala un cod sa transforme diacritice in caractere normale, mi-a pus S,T,dar "ă" nu-l recunoaste

scara78 commented 4 years ago

ceea ce ai facut tu acolo, scriptul ala de opensubtitle e aur.Crede-ma ca am rascolit tot portalul Github dupa asa ceva nu am gasit ce-mi trebuia mie.Apreciez gestul si munca depusa,ma bucur sa vad ca mai sunt si oameni cu suflet, care sa-ti dea o mana de ajutor fara sa te beleasca de bani :)

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

O implementare javascript gasesti aici https://vidsrc.me/embed/tt1300854/

scara78 commented 4 years ago

Stiu,am studiat codul alora,dau mei trebuia un fisier php,care nu-l aveam. Apropo, am vazut ca mobil nu apar subtitrarile.

scara78 commented 4 years ago

Gata,nu mai functioneaza.. :(

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

merge, schimba jwplayer.js

scara78 commented 4 years ago

da-mi un id de fb, telegram, orice unde putem vorbi

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

au schimbat si pass la decrypt... probabil urmaresc si ei github (am mai patit-o si cu altele...) Adauga in cod dupa $h = $jsu->Unpack($h); $t1=explode("null,'",$h); $t2=explode("'",$t1[1]); $js=$t2[0]; $keywords = preg_split("/[a-zA-Z]{1,}/",$js); $out=""; for ($k=0;$k<count($keywords);$k++) { $out .=chr($keywords[$k]); } $t1=explode('pass = "',$out); $t2=explode('"',$t1[1]); $pass=$t2[0];

pentru opensubtitles trebuie alt ua, te rog nu-l folosi pe al meu.

scara78 commented 4 years ago

Au script de tracking in sursa,probabil vad de pe ce domeniu se fac requesturi.

scara78 commented 4 years ago

au schimbat si pass la decrypt... probabil urmaresc si ei github (am mai patit-o si cu altele...) Adauga in cod dupa $h = $jsu->Unpack($h); $t1=explode("null,'",$h); $t2=explode("'",$t1[1]); $js=$t2[0]; $keywords = preg_split("/[a-zA-Z]{1,}/",$js); $out=""; for ($k=0;$k<count($keywords);$k++) { $out .=chr($keywords[$k]); } $t1=explode('pass = "',$out); $t2=explode('"',$t1[1]); $pass=$t2[0];

pentru opensubtitles trebuie alt ua, te rog nu-l folosi pe al meu.

Nu merge,am pus codu de mai sus, nici un link

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

Ai stres linia cu $pass="aadsdasdassgff"; ????? Acum am verificat si merge, vezi ca fac si un push

scara78 commented 4 years ago

La mine nu merge,posibil sa fi pus ceva restrictii in cloudflare. Linkurile generate sunt in forma asta:


si Jwplayer da erorare:

This video file cannot be played. (Error Code: 224003)

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

asta-i alta poveste. Posibil sa fie sters (nu are legatura cu cloudflare), caz in care ei folosesc ca rezerva vidcloud9 si lucrurile se complica....pentru ca si vidcloud9 e tot un fel de gdriver

scara78 commented 4 years ago

crezi ca ma poti ajuta sa implementez javascriptul de la vidsrc,am incercat codul din pagina, cu link http catre savesub.php,dar imi da ca serviciul nu este aviabil.

$.ajax('//vidsrc.me/save_srt.php', { method: "POST", data: formData,

macar asa pot pune api-ul in sandbox si am subtitrare.

Love656 commented 4 years ago

hi https://redirector.gdriveplayer.me/drive/index.php?id=9gG7vHsRpexip6%2FuP0HpDg02WVIyb27%2FOND%2FCFSwHX2BbZBq07XGigdFLmXxATq%2BwpKeygRgzTlpG%2FE%2BTikLy16pAVaV9Nq3k3szZRt4pJfTwawxHLwIOtTrDZ28Tq7r%2BDQOWPK2dJBue%2B%2BWXOwj2HtqXtqgqdH2dxsjmMft6pOUPyNvOtAPHBDE4hBcH2sVJGLd0KvQXWu6AIjn7bra6w3g%2BvlRr5brxtxqxrZeRJT%2FzXMpyXubELiVbov7LZxlg%3D&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fsoap2day.ru%2Fmovie%2Fplay%2F10-cloverfield-lane-2016-hdsYDE03%2Fwatch.html&res=default i get Access Denied

Love656 commented 4 years ago

i try this now i open https://database.gdriveplayer.us/player.php?imdb=tt1179933 after that open https://redirector.gdriveplayer.me/drive/index.php?id=9gG7vHsRpexip6%2FuP0HpDg02WVIyb27%2FOND%2FCFSwHX2BbZBq07XGigdFLmXxATq%2BwpKeygRgzTlpG%2FE%2BTikLy16pAVaV9Nq3k3szZRt4pJfTwawxHLwIOtTrDZ28Tq7r%2BDQOWPK2dJBue%2B%2BWXOwj2HtqXtqgqdH2dxsjmMft6pOUPyNvOtAPHBDE4hBcH2sVJGLd0KvQXWu6AIjn7bra6w3g%2BvlRr5brxtxqxrZeRJT%2FzXMpyXubELiVbov7LZxlg%3D&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fsoap2day.ru%2Fmovie%2Fplay%2F10-cloverfield-lane-2016-hdsYDE03%2Fwatch.html&res=default work but if i open another video without open https://database.gdriveplayer.us/player.php?imdb=xxxx not work

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

They add referer So, if you play link in a player with custom headers add $link=$link."|Referer=urlencode("https://database.gdriveplayer.me"); // is me now If you use jwplayer make a new file "redirect.php" to get location In jwplayer use file: redirect.php?file=urlencode($link); And redirect.php $filelink=urldecode($_GET['file']); $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $filelink=str_replace(" ","%2B",$filelink); // stupid js encoding $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $filelink); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "https://database.gdriveplayer.me"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY,1); $h = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (preg_match("/location:\s*(http.+)/i",$h,$m)) $link=trim($m[1]); echo $link; (or better header("Location: $link"); )

Love656 commented 4 years ago

tnx a lot work for me.

Love656 commented 4 years ago

Hi can you fix hydrax if you can

Love656 commented 4 years ago

and pls can you help me with this when i get https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/A_hgNoVsgdvkRMl6KyWrJoQoQ7k7BcbjxPSpUXtf-iMBMNVMsBKoJHTXfyXiS81bhhL9AJPrkagmjHM7RW7FsjJNaOcUfXkZzMyoesqi9TZ6jw8daKgWnl6jMd-h0lF-a9ivsfsstg=m22 work in jwplayer but in browser not work i use curl to get redirector but the link i get not work can you help me $ch = curl_init("https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/A_hgNoVsgdvkRMl6KyWrJoQoQ7k7BcbjxPSpUXtf-iMBMNVMsBKoJHTXfyXiS81bhhL9AJPrkagmjHM7RW7FsjJNaOcUfXkZzMyoesqi9TZ6jw8daKgWnl6jMd-h0lF-a9ivsfsstg=m22"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); $resolved = curl_getinfo($ch); echo $resolved['url'];

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

Work for me. If you want final, final link, change in "redirect.php" curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,1); //(from 0) and if (preg_match_all("/location:\s*(http.+)/i",$h,$m)) // use preg_match_all now and get last location $link=trim($m[1][count($m[1])-1]);

Also add (js encoding and php encoding....) $filelink=str_replace(" ","%2B",$filelink); $filelink=str_replace("%20","%2B",$filelink); $filelink=str_replace("+","%2B",$filelink);

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

Hi can you fix hydrax if you can

I update hydrax, but work only with a player with custom headers (need to send cookie and referer). For me works with MX Player. Quality is very, very low.

vb6rocod commented 4 years ago

Client and server must be on same address. Most links don't accespt different host.

glitdev29 commented 4 years ago

but i see this site work link https://vidcloud9.com/streaming.php?id=MzEzODQ1&title=Time+Apart&typesub=SUB&sub=&cover=Y292ZXIvdGltZS1hcGFydC1sYXJnZS5wbmc=

Mate, Can We talk on Telegram?

Love656 commented 4 years ago

They add referer So, if you play link in a player with custom headers add $link=$link."|Referer=urlencode("https://database.gdriveplayer.me"); // is me now If you use jwplayer make a new file "redirect.php" to get location In jwplayer use file: redirect.php?file=urlencode($link); And redirect.php $filelink=urldecode($_GET['file']); $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $filelink=str_replace(" ","%2B",$filelink); // stupid js encoding $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $filelink); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION ,0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "https://database.gdriveplayer.me"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY,1); $h = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (preg_match("/location:\s*(http.+)/i",$h,$m)) $link=trim($m[1]); echo $link; (or better header("Location: $link"); )

Not work anymore