vbarzokas / greek-utils

A JavaScript library for Greek language with utilities such as replacement of accented and other diacritics characters, conversion from Greek to phonetic, transliterated or greeklish Latin and more.
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Doesn't covert punctuation and translation isn't quite right #3

Closed ayroblu closed 7 years ago

ayroblu commented 7 years ago

Hey love your work, would like the punctation to change too though:

const greekUtils = require('greek-utils')
const text = greekUtils.toGreeklish('Παρακαλώ;')

Expected: parakaló? Actual: parakalw;

I had a quick search for this as reference: https://billmounce.com/greekalphabet/greek-punctuation-syllabification as well as google translate

vbarzokas commented 7 years ago

Hi ayroblu, thanks for your feedback.

I am going to add the puncuation mapping of ; to ? to the .toGreeklish method.

Regarding the mapping of ώ to ó and probably other characters (eg. θ το 8), I followed this pattern which is to convert the latin character to the one that is visually similar to the greek one by keeping the orthography of the word, so a native greek (or generally someone who can read greek) can read it seamleslly like it was spelled with greek characters. The term greeklish is properly covered in this article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeklish

What you suggest is the phonetic traslate of the greek letters, or as described in this artice the "romanization" of them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Greek Which is something I believe is very useful and I am going to add it, but in a new separate method because it is a different concept.

ayroblu commented 7 years ago

Okay cool, thanks for the update!