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useDataSource merged params does not effect with undefined values #3891

Open doraemonxxx opened 1 month ago

doraemonxxx commented 1 month ago

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Describe the bug

In let params all parameters for fetching data will merge recursively using lodash merge. The issue is when you have an object that has a key with a value of undefined, that undefined will not merge.

When dynamically overriding the searchInfo with opt?.searchInfo, the searchInfo object's key with a defined value and opt?.searchInfo with a key value is undefined, resulting in unexpected behavior. This scenario is utilized in business logic where occasionally setting the searchInfo key to undefined is necessary to meet requirements.



Reproduction and Expected Output

const customizer = (objValue: any, srcValue: any, key: any, obj: any): void => {
    // Check if the values are different and if the source value is undefined
    if (objValue !== srcValue && (typeof srcValue === 'undefined' || srcValue === undefined)) {
        // Set the object's key to the source value
        obj[key] = srcValue;

// Original object with searchInfo
let obj1 = {
    level1: {
        level2: {
            value1: 1,
            value2: 'hello',
            value3: {
                test1: 'hello world',
                test2: 'hello world test2 obj1',
    anotherKey: 'value',

// Object with opt?.searchInfo
let obj2 = {
    level1: {
        level2: {
            value1: undefined,
            value2: 'world',
            value3: {
                test1: 'hello world obj2',
                test2: undefined,
    anotherKey: undefined,

console.log('params test', mergeWith({}, obj1, obj2, customizer));
    "level1": {
        "level2": {
            "value1": undefined,
            "value2": "world",
            "value3": {
                "test1": "hello world obj2",
                "test2": undefined
    "anotherKey": undefined

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