vbezgachev / maxctrl_exporter

MaxScale metrics exporter for Prometheus
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 11 forks source link

Build on golang 1.17.x #5

Closed pgporada closed 2 years ago

pgporada commented 2 years ago

I ran the following:

$ go mod init
$ go mod download github.com/beorn7/perks
$ go get github.com/maxctrl_exporter
$ sudo docker build -f Dockerfile .
$ $ sudo docker run -P c828
2021/09/23 21:48:00 Starting MaxScale exporter
2021/09/23 21:48:00 Scraping MaxScale JSON API at:
2021/09/23 21:48:00 Started MaxScale exporter, listening on port: 8080

$ curl -s | grep '^go_info'
go_info{version="go1.17.1"} 1
$ curl -s | grep '^maxctrl_exporter_total_scrapes'
maxctrl_exporter_total_scrapes 1
ktugan commented 2 years ago

Looks good to me. Thank you, you are a champ!