vboussange / iDiv-Julia-Workshop-2024

Materials for the the iDiv Julia workshop 2024
MIT License
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New schedule proposal #2

Open vboussange opened 1 month ago

vboussange commented 1 month ago

Hi @ludmillafigueiredo @MartinuzziFrancesco @veddox @ohagen, I have committed the new schedule, check if you are happy with it!

Could you please all add the information you would like to appear under your name in the introduction slide?


ludmillafigueiredo commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you @vboussange. I'll finish adding my slides by Friday/weekend (but possibly some updates on Monday, sorry).

vboussange commented 3 weeks ago

@ludmillafigueiredo, excellent. Could you have a look at the game of life material, and are you thinking of refactoring it as an "easy" project?

ludmillafigueiredo commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, I am working on it. I will adapt it a bit - not necessarily easier, but I'll add more cues, at least.

vboussange commented 3 weeks ago

@ludmillafigueiredo, excellent!