vboxme / Portable-VirtualBox

Portable-VirtualBox is a free and open source software tool that lets you run any operating system from a usb stick without separate installation.
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snetcfg.exe crashes on Win 8.1 #6

Open Megachip opened 10 years ago

Megachip commented 10 years ago

Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: snetcfg_x64.exe, Version: 5.2.3790.0, Zeitstempel: 0x436618ee Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: msvcrt.dll, Version: 7.0.9600.16384, Zeitstempel: 0x5215f944 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x00000000000026c4 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x2090 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01ced3eb3a9468bc Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: V:\Virtual Box\data\tools\snetcfg_x64.exe Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll Berichtskennung: 7846f70a-3fde-11e3-b488-e0f847067f89 Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist:

Megachip commented 10 years ago

Bug still occure

Megachip commented 10 years ago

Let's see if http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754599(WS.10).aspx will help

wpg4665 commented 9 years ago

Has there been any progress on this issue??

Zoli1972 commented 9 years ago


Maybe, installing/re-installing the latest Visual C++ 2010 Runtime for x64 systems can solve the issue. I've installed VirtualBox portable a few days ago and ran into another issue, where my virtual machines couldn't start, and an kernel driver error occured. Figured out that I had to install the runtime to get VirtualBox running on my x64 machine. Then, there was an update of the runtime, which installed via automatic Windows update. Since then, everything works as expected. I'd recommend to install the x86 version of the runtime as well. Just to be sure.

Maybe a hint should be added to the readme file, saying that the runtime is recommended.

I'm also wondering about to write a little "runtime install checker" for it, that displays an error message in case the runtime is missing.


Ruffio commented 9 years ago

@Megachip isn't this issue related #1 ? Wouldn't providing latest mscvrt.DLL solve this?

p060477 commented 9 years ago

hi! this BUG isn't solved yet is it..? i've dl the 2010 visual c and also for x86..but the issue is still there...

pls reply!!



p060477 commented 9 years ago

the BUG is still there WHY..??

jcazzie commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have also been having this issue (running on windows 8.1). I can't say that I have had any luck in resolving it, but I have reached out to Runar Buvik, and he recommended that I post the following pictures that I documented when trying to analyze the error. I hope this might provide some insight into the nature of this issue. If anyone needs any more information, I'd be glad to provide it.


After windows finishes, the following message pops up, image When I try to debug this, I am met with the following dissassembly: image If I let this continue, instead of trying to debug, it will randomly either allow bridged networking to continue successfully (usually the first time I try to handle this error). All other times that I try it, it shows that there are no network adapters available. image

Once again, if anyone can resolve this issue, I'd be immensely grateful, and if there's any information needed, I'd be glad to provide it.

Thanks, Jcazzie

p060477 commented 9 years ago

Hi Jcazzle!

first so many thxs indeed for yr post! i'm diggin with this issue since april 2015...and i thought i was hopeless..

1) how you were able to contact Runar..??..and moreover how he replied to you..?? i sent to him so many,UNREPLIED, emails...

2)i do not have yr 2° picture...i see is from Visual studio..i've have all visual installed..but i have not yr pic, i run win 8.1 64bit

3)so i have not also yr 3rd pic

4)but i have yr 4th one..EVERY first time the bridge net is available and working..BUT the second time no, as per yr useful pic, the third YES, the fourth NO,the fifth YES and so on and on.. to sum up at the 1-3-5-7-9 ....tentatives =YES, and at 2-4-6-8......NO as per yr 4° pic

i really hope that some one should be able to solve it!!

a little workroud i found was to,with task scheduler, run portable vbox at win start in that case the issue, and so the 1° pic, does not appear.. BUT in that case i'm not able to run it MINIMIZED, even if i add -minimized in the task scheduler

i always get the portable-vbox.exe window opened in the middle of my desktop and then i gave to reduce it at icon MANUALLY by myself

hope this my experience helps someone more skill then me..



p060477 commented 9 years ago

Hi Jcazzle! first so many thxs indeed for yr post!i'm diggin with this issue since april 2015...and i thought i was hopeless.. 1) how you were able to contact Runar..??..and moreover how he replied to you..?? i sent to him so many,UNREPLIED, emails... 2)i do not have yr 2° picture...i see is from Visual studio..i've have all visual installed..but i have not yr pic, i run win 8.1 64bit 3)so i have not also yr 3rd pic 4)but i have yr 4th one..EVERY first time the bridge net is available and working..BUT the second time no, as per yr useful pic, the third YES, the fourth NO,the fifth YES and so on and on.. to sum up at the 1-3-5-7-9 ....tentatives =YES, and at 2-4-6-8......NO as per yr 4° pic i really hope that some one should be able to solve it!! a little workroud i found was to,with task scheduler, run portable vbox at win startin that case the issue, and so the 1° pic, does not appear..BUT in that case i'm not able to run it MINIMIZED, even if i add -minimized in the task scheduler i always get the portable-vbox.exe window opened in the middle of my desktopand then i gave to reduce it at icon MANUALLY by myself hope this my experience helps someone more skill then me.. cheers!! :)

Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2015 08:04:46 -0700 From: notifications@github.com To: Portable-VirtualBox@noreply.github.com CC: p033928@hotmail.it Subject: Re: [Portable-VirtualBox] snetcfg.exe crashes on Win 8.1 (#6)

Hello everyone,

I have also been having this issue (running on windows 8.1). I can't say that I have had any luck in resolving it, but I have reached out to Runar Buvik, and he recommended that I post the following pictures that I documented when trying to analyze the error. I hope this might provide some insight into the nature of this issue. If anyone needs any more information, I'd be glad to provide it.

After windows finishes, the following message pops up,

When I try to debug this, I am met with the following dissassembly:

If I let this continue, instead of trying to debug, it will randomly either allow bridged networking to continue successfully (usually the first time I try to handle this error). All other times that I try it, it shows that there are no network adapters available.

Once again, if anyone can resolve this issue, I'd be immensely grateful, and if there's any information needed, I'd be glad to provide it.



— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

p060477 commented 9 years ago

no one wants to reply..??..so so strange... :(

jcazzie commented 9 years ago

Hello p060477, I'm so sorry that you've been working on this for so long! That's fascinating, though, I can't say that I've seen the same alternating behavior. Usually it just works the first time that I try the networking, and fails all the rest of the time. I'm also running windows 8.1. My impression is that Mr. Buvik must be extremely busy, so that may be why he isn't able to answer emails. If anyone could help solve this, that would be immensely appreciated!

p060477 commented 9 years ago

hi! Mr Runar should be so busy..BUT even 4 days ago was here..so WHY do not spend a few time with the problems and issues of someone who is getting crazy since april 2015..??

are you able to start portable vbox reduced at icon..??

thxs so much..you are the only one so kind here!!


Megachip commented 9 years ago

@jcazzie @p060477 Solution: Do not use Win 8.1 ;)

Runar also only adapted from the former programmer Michael. The problem isn't dedicated to the PVB Code itself, more to external libraries or binaries (looks like snetcfg isn't compatible with latest builds of windows and it isn't shipped anymore with later builds, afaik). This is an open source project, so if you want to get a bug fixed, fix it and share your solution. The maintain of this project can be only done in free time, and there isn't much of it :(

p060477 commented 9 years ago

i followed yr solution till my ten years old pc left me.. now i cannot...

is there a way to run PVB reduced at icon? is there a way to have a simple reply here from Runar?

the mantra that something is free ever let me think that also a kick in the axs could be free.. but really not fine..at least afaik



p060477 commented 8 years ago

runar ..is there anybody out there..??!! if yes pls one hit..!!



runarbu commented 8 years ago

@p060477 I am sorry that I have not been able to answer you directly on email. Unfortunately so do I get so meany email about Portable-VirtualBox that I am unable to keep up with the volume.

While I understand that this issue is very annoying to you, I must priority my time to fix the issues that is effecting the must users first, and your issue dos not effect so many users. I do however hope to I will get the time to look at it eventually.

runarbu commented 8 years ago

Looks like this snetcfg_x64.exe file comes from Windows 2003 server. Maybe Windows 8 ships with a newer, working one?

Have anyone tried to see if they have a snetcfg*.exe file on there local machine and use the local one to replace the one that comes with Portable-VirtualBox? To do so find it on your local machine and replace the standard one that we ship that is located in Portable-VirtualBoxs \data\tools\ folder.


Zoli1972 commented 8 years ago


If this works, then the app could look for the file on the local system, compare the versions, and if they differ, copy the file before going on with the startup procedure. If the file on the system is always located at the same place, maybe a link to it in the portable virtualbox directory could also help. The link could be created if the file has been found and if not, the app could try to link (or copy) it's own file from a certain location to the same place.


p060477 commented 8 years ago


first so many thxs in adv for yr kind attention!

i really do not have that file on my win 8.1 64bit

i did a close search and the only copy is the one in : Portable-VirtualBoxs \data\tools\ folder

and is identicl to yr photo image pic. except as for the data modified: mine is 09 november 2015 h 19.33

so how to fix this boring and heavy issue??...

pls reply !!

p060477 commented 8 years ago

hi runar..really hope not to wait another nearly 70 days for yr appearing..!! pls one hit in a timely manner...!!

i'm jockin..but not so much..is till april that this issue is there..



p060477 commented 8 years ago

Runar..Runaaar.. ..o no..disappeared again...like the Canterville Ghost...??!!.. :(

p060477 commented 8 years ago

hi.. just to let you know that the file you talk. snetcfg.exe is really NOT on my win 8.1 where there is this BUG-ISSUE but moreover is really not also on my old win xp where i really do not have this frustrating bug at all..

so the matter is really not in the file as you think...

any other useful ideas in the meantime..??



Megachip commented 8 years ago

@p060477 snetcfg is included the PVB and will NOT work in Win 8(.1?) and up. It is not included in any Windows installation (per default). It belongs to the windows driver development kit and should be replaced with the sc command in for newer windows builds than Win 7. Feel free to experiment with the sc command and provide a patch for pvb.

p060477 commented 8 years ago

Hi! finally a partially useful reply! 1)is not included also in my win xp..so WHY there is really NOT the BUG ?? 2)if you are right this should be CLEARLY stated in the PVB project page, i really mean www.vbox.me 3)-IF- you think you are right PLEASE show here CLEARLY which are stpes by steps ALL the passages in order to finally have solved this increscious and frustrating BUG

if in the project page there is clearly written for istance how to set e net support:

Network support

To download of Portable-VirtualBox Unpack from Portable-VirtualBox Start from Portable-VirtualBox Attitudes open (Tray –> attitudes, CTRL+5) –> rider Network (Tab) –> VirtualBox with network support start –> memory (save) Terminate from Portable-VirtualBox Start from Portable-VirtualBox Driver installation agree Wait Selection of a VM and the network map to host interfaces stop Attitudes make FINISHED

the last word -FINISHED- is really WRONG... so pls continue it and finish it finally to solve this very very strange BUG

hope you will be able also to give the solution instead of only put the problem under a light

we are all here waiting for yr PATCH



PS: RUNAR...where are you..??"" pls beat a hit..

p060477 commented 8 years ago

..now also megacghip disappear..??..

..do you think should be useful to install this..?'..: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=42273

pls reply in not a -era- time..


p060477 commented 8 years ago

this is the scottish most populated place of ghosts.. is there anybody outthere..?'

pls hit a beat..

all dead..??!!

Zoli1972 commented 8 years ago

The software is OpenSource, so maybe you sould know some things:

Due to this, there is no reason to complain about missing members or missing answers to your requests for long time. Please, consider that. Maybe the reason why no one answers is simply because no one has a clue on how to solve it (me too), or don't have the time looking for a solution (me too). So please don't write further complaints here.

Feel free to look for a solution by yourself, and share it with others here.



this is the scottish most populated place of ghosts.. is there anybody outthere..?'

pls hit a beat..

all dead..??!!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/vboxme/Portable-VirtualBox/issues/6#issuecomment-124957160 .

p060477 commented 8 years ago

really hope someone catch yr: " look for a solution by yourself, and share it with others here."

..at least Runar who has the responsibility of this portable vers or MegaChip who through the stone but well -hide his hand ...


p060477 commented 8 years ago


hope you would like to be informed that with win 10 there is really NO way to use net - bridge - at all.. here is the appcrash report:

Version=1 EventType=APPCRASH EventTime=130829067204904507 ReportType=2 Consent=1 UploadTime=130829067205374946 ReportIdentifier=2ab288cc-384b-11e5-8532-74d435bb1f97 IntegratorReportIdentifier=bd092af0-1b5f-4b6a-ab3a-816ce36aec28 NsAppName=snetcfg_x64.exe Response.BucketId=e40d3758771e7ddebbea60b856c3bea6 Response.BucketTable=4 Response.LegacyBucketId=120282220129 Response.type=4 Sig[0].Name=Nome applicazione Sig[0].Value=snetcfg_x64.exe Sig[1].Name=Versione applicazione Sig[1].Value=5.2.3790.0 Sig[2].Name=Timestamp applicazione Sig[2].Value=436618ee Sig[3].Name=Nome modulo con errori Sig[3].Value=msvcrt.dll Sig[4].Name=Versione modulo con errori Sig[4].Value=7.0.10240.16384 Sig[5].Name=Timestamp modulo con errori Sig[5].Value=559f3b84 Sig[6].Name=Codice eccezione Sig[6].Value=c0000005 Sig[7].Name=Offset eccezione Sig[7].Value=000000000005594b DynamicSig[1].Name=Versione SO DynamicSig[1].Value=10.0.10240. DynamicSig[2].Name=ID impostazioni locali DynamicSig[2].Value=1040 DynamicSig[22].Name=Informazioni aggiuntive 1 DynamicSig[22].Value=2b22 DynamicSig[23].Name=Ulteriori informazioni 2 DynamicSig[23].Value=2b22b632e70c9a1a86d8dc7127cf8bdd DynamicSig[24].Name=Ulteriori informazioni 3 DynamicSig[24].Value=aa84 DynamicSig[25].Name=Ulteriori informazioni 4 DynamicSig[25].Value=aa849e5386a4c1641e958a78c1d95afb UI[2]=G:\VIRTUALBOX 5.0.0-10.15.73\Portable-VirtualBox\data\tools\snetcfg_x64.exe UI[3]=network config sample ha smesso di funzionare UI[4]=Windows: è possibile ricercare online una soluzione al problema. UI[5]=Cerca una soluzione online e chiudi il programma UI[6]=Cerca una soluzione online in seguito e chiudi il programma UI[7]=Chiudi il programma LoadedModule[0]=G:\VIRTUALBOX 5.0.0-10.15.73\Portable-VirtualBox\data\tools\snetcfg_x64.exe LoadedModule[1]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll LoadedModule[2]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL LoadedModule[3]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll LoadedModule[4]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll LoadedModule[5]=C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\AppPatch64\AcLayers.DLL LoadedModule[6]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll LoadedModule[7]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll LoadedModule[8]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll LoadedModule[9]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll LoadedModule[10]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\combase.dll LoadedModule[11]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll LoadedModule[12]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\sfc.dll LoadedModule[13]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV LoadedModule[14]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll LoadedModule[15]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\sfc_os.DLL LoadedModule[16]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SortWindows61.dll LoadedModule[17]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL LoadedModule[18]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll LoadedModule[19]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll LoadedModule[20]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\sechost.dll LoadedModule[21]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll LoadedModule[22]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\CFGMGR32.dll LoadedModule[23]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel.appcore.dll LoadedModule[24]=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll LoadedModule[25]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll LoadedModule[26]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\clbcatq.dll LoadedModule[27]=C:\Windows\System32\NetSetupShim.dll LoadedModule[28]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll LoadedModule[29]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\NSI.dll LoadedModule[30]=C:\Windows\System32\NetSetupApi.dll State[0].Key=Transport.DoneStage1 State[0].Value=1 FriendlyEventName=Ha smesso di funzionare ConsentKey=APPCRASH AppName=network config sample AppPath=G:\VIRTUALBOX 5.0.0-10.15.73\Portable-VirtualBox\data\tools\snetcfg_x64.exe NsPartner=windows NsGroup=windows8 ApplicationIdentity=ED3FA8EECD0FAC1001B44658EE510D0F

any ideas...??!!

p060477 commented 8 years ago

runar..have you finally manage this very big issue..??

abhishekhp commented 8 years ago

Any updates on this ?

p060477 commented 8 years ago

ask to Runar or Megachip ..if they are still alive.. what a shame.. :(

Solice55 commented 8 years ago

This thread was painful to read... In any case, in the spirit of open source solutions, combined with Google and some problem solving skills, I present the following stream of consciousness as a workaround for the current problem.

Host OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Virtualbox Version: 5.0.22 Portable-Virtualbox Version:

The main problem here is snetcfg*.exe is not able to do its job to install all of the required network drivers and services. Assuming that the files exist for said drivers, we may be able to invoke them manually. This may make our portable Virtualbox environment somewhat less portable, but at least it will work.

Preliminary steps to this procedure:

Having done all of that, follow this procedure to get a bridged adapter available to your portable VM's:

To the project maintainer: I recommend finding another way to auto-install network services; the snetcfg*.exe does not appear to play nice with Windows 10.

Good luck.

p060477 commented 8 years ago

Hi Solice! finally some useful stuff! thxs so much! here runar has desappeared as the canterville ghost...:( anyway let's go to the main point: yr intriguing trick works also for having portable vb with network adap -bridged-? i ask cause i use emule and that is the only way to not have it firewalled and with the 2 arrows well green! thxs so much indeed! cheers!

Runar ..have you read this..??..and Megachip..??..

Solice55 commented 8 years ago

I used this workaround specifically to use Portable-Virtualbox with a bridged network adapter. As i noted, you may find that it works with other Virtualbox-specific drivers if you simply install them. You will have to try for yourself. For example, if you needed the virtual-machine-only adapter, you could simply install it with one of the drivers provided in that network directory.

p060477 commented 7 years ago

runar Buvick ..??!!..has you a finally patch to this BUG..??!!

badrelmers commented 2 years ago

snetcfg is old, in my win7 i see that it comes with netcfg.exe by default with same options as snetcfg, maybe it will work for you fine in win 8.1

p060477 commented 2 years ago

...the problem, since 6 years.., is with windows 10

Peppernrino commented 2 years ago

to add to the conversation a bit, it seems runar was attempting to find a workaround using sc. i found this stackoverflow thread from november 2015: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33618303/installing-inf-file-in-windows-10-migrating-away-from-snetcfg-exe

perhaps someone can expand upon what is being tried here?

i also saw someone mentioning somewhere running it in windows 8.1 compatibility mode... i wonder if there's a way to force that? i intend to package the final result for portableapps.com... maybe there is some way to force that option in the .ini files once i get it to that point... just thinking out loud. maybe somebody can take something from it. :)

Peppernrino commented 2 years ago

perhaps this is of use as well? : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31922055/bridged-networking-not-working-in-virtualbox-under-windows-10

p060477 commented 2 years ago

it should be very very a -miracle- to have bridge net working in vb portable with win 10...runar has disappeared since years... if someone find a solution to this very very -cold case- pls post it here..i pray...!!.. cheers :)

Peppernrino commented 2 years ago

i think the intention many years ago was for me to take over this repo with runar to some degree... maybe i can figure it out. i just got back into this. haven't looked at it since about 2016. and i'm sorry. lol

p060477 commented 2 years ago

since the infaust issue of win 10 this is the most -unsolved- bug for vb portable..and also its vbox.me project... i hope to see it finally solved before my departure on this land.. ;) :)

Peppernrino commented 2 years ago

there might also be something to this: https://www.minitool.com/news/start-service-failed-1058.html

p060477 commented 2 years ago

...oh..if it was so simple...it should have been fixed in a while...i think also the -disappeared runar- should have been able too... ;)

Peppernrino commented 2 years ago

update: i have made many forms of progress. i have never used autoit, but i don't think that is the final solution... i am looking into employing the use of other layers during another kind of install... being secretive because i want to be the one that does it... lol. i have gathered a list of registry entries etc, and might be able to slip things in and out with some magic... stay tuned, friend. :)

p060477 commented 2 years ago

hi! ...i maintain my fingers closely crossed...and i pray for yr efforts to be finally usefull and working..!! don't give up! ;)

Peppernrino commented 2 years ago

also, i understand your frustrations, and no offense, but i have noticed you kind of ripping on people when they aren't able to produce the desired final result. open source development is basically volunteer work. just thank them for trying, and hope their progress helps the next person. it's an imperfect world. we have to accept that not everyone can do every thing. you could be driving away someone that has a great idea somewhere down the road. :)

for example, i would not be as far as i am if it weren't for @timsky and their contributions. their rewrite of the autoit stuff is slick. it's missing some small things... changing flags for install version, etc, but i have fixed those, and will submit a change when i get everything working properly. i'm sure you can see there is already only like.... 3 people in the entire world working on this. lol. let's try to encourage a more positive atmosphere, even in light of basically constant failure. haha. it will happen. we just need the right people on it. don't worry. <3

p060477 commented 2 years ago

i totally agree with you! i really hope you will finally solve this very old vbox portable bug! keep goin on! cheers! LoL :) !