vc1492a / PyNomaly

Anomaly detection using LoOP: Local Outlier Probabilities, a local density based outlier detection method providing an outlier score in the range of [0,1].
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Clarify orientation of 2d array #19

Closed llllllllll closed 5 years ago

llllllllll commented 5 years ago

It might help to mention what the semantic orientation of the input data array is. Originally I had it transposed which gave me a somewhat unhelpful index error. If you have a square array, maybe for testing, you might not realize that the data is flipped.

vc1492a commented 5 years ago

@llllllllll I added a clarifying example to that states clearly the orientation of the input array in this commit. If you feel additional clarification is needed, please feel free to submit a pr with the changes. Thanks!