vc1492a / PyNomaly

Anomaly detection using LoOP: Local Outlier Probabilities, a local density based outlier detection method providing an outlier score in the range of [0,1].
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Move continuous integration from Travis CI to another platform #51

Open vc1492a opened 1 year ago

vc1492a commented 1 year ago

Travis CI is no longer free. PyNomaly should be migrated to an alternative continuous integration platform such as Tox or Circle CI.

IroNEDR commented 2 months ago

I will take care of this.

IroNEDR commented 2 months ago

Do I understand it correctly, that the current travis ci pipeline only runs the tests and returns the results? Since this is an open source project, it would make sense to move to github actions. Furthermore, we should consider directly setting up the actions to automatically push to the pypi repository on successful builds.
If you agree @vc1492a, give me thumbs up and I will start setting this up.

vc1492a commented 2 months ago

@IroNEDR sounds great with me.

Yes, your understanding is correct - we leveraged Travis CI in the past to run our unit tests against a set of Python versions (e.g. Python 3.6-3.12) and make sure the tests pass on each platform.

Also agree we should consider further automation to push directly to PyPI on successful build and tagging and releasing to the main branch - we might want to consider some other safeguards for the main branch before implementing such an automation, however.