vc64web / virtualc64web

vc64web - Commodore C64 Emulator for iPad iPhone Android and the Web with CSDb access for thousands of demos at your fingertip.
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make fullscreen work #4

Closed mithrendal closed 4 years ago

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

works with SDL1 but not in SDL2

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

I implemented an ALT+ENTER fullscreen toggle.

I got the the manual pixel surface render method to work 😎...

The texture render method gives me still riddles ...

it somehow only shows the left bottom part of the screen buffer....

With try and error I set the coordinates in fullscreen xOff=-17, yOff=198, wOff=158, hOff=96 then it looks already quite acceptable, but I can not interprete the numbers yet ... 77AB5D79-38F7-416C-B4E7-DB30DFBE798B

with this offset, the canvas in window mode (when you leave fullscreen) looks like this canvasTexture

int emu_width  = NTSC_PIXELS;
int emu_height = PAL_RASTERLINES;

void draw_one_frame_into_SDL2_Texture(void *thisC64) {
  C64 *c64 = (C64 *)thisC64;

  void *texture = c64->vic.screenBuffer();

  int surface_width = window_surface->w;
  int surface_height = window_surface->h;

  SDL_UpdateTexture(screen_texture, NULL, texture, emu_width * 4);

  SDL_Rect SrcR;
  SDL_Rect DestR;

  SrcR.x = 0;
  SrcR.y = 0;
  SrcR.w = emu_width;
  SrcR.h = emu_height;

//pos: x=-17, y=198, w=158, h=96
  DestR.x = xOff;
  DestR.y = yOff;
  DestR.w = wOff;
  DestR.h = hOff;

  SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &DestR);
dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

Hmmm, strange.

I got the the manual pixel surface render method to work 😎...

Can you paste the code?

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

Can you paste the code?

in the SDL event loop I added the fullscreen toggle code

      case SDL_KEYDOWN:
        if ( event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN &&
             event->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT )
              SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);    

              SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0);
              SDL_SetWindowSize(window, emu_width, emu_height);
              SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED);

which effectively switches the resolution to fullscreen when ALT+ENTER is pressed

Size changed: 1440, 900

and back to the smaller canvas when ALT+ENTER ist pressed again ...

Size changed: 428, 284

manually drawing all Pixels works fine, in canvas and fullscreen, had to adapt only one line to make it work

_((Uint32)pixels + row * surface_width + col) =_ ...

surface_width instead of emu_width πŸ’πŸ»

here is the complete working render method

void draw_one_frame_into_SDL2_Pixel(void *thisC64) {
  C64 *c64 = (C64 *)thisC64;

  void *texture = c64->vic.screenBuffer();

  int surface_width = window_surface->w;
  int surface_height = window_surface->h;

  for (int row = 0; row < emu_height; row++) {
    for (int col = 0; col < emu_width; col++) {
      Uint32 rgba = *(((Uint32*)texture) + row * emu_width + col); 
      int a= (rgba>>24) & 0xff;
      int b= (rgba>>16) & 0xff;
      int g= (rgba>>8) & 0xff;
      int r= rgba & 0xff;

      *((Uint32*)pixels + row * surface_width + col) = SDL_MapRGBA(window_surface->format, r, g, b, a);

I can't get why draw_one_frame_intoSDL2Texture() is giving me such an unexpecting behaviour in fullscreen mode ...πŸ€” Something SDL-esque code is still missing for sure ...

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

😢 Don't know.

In draw_one_frame_into_SDL2_Pixel, is pixels also a texture or is it a frame buffer? Unfortunately, I've never written any SDL code.

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

In draw_one_frame_into_SDL2_Pixel, is pixels also a texture or is it a frame buffer?

Its the framebuffer. I only gave the variable the name β€žtextureβ€œ. I am too completely new to SDL donβ€˜t know what I am doing. But don’t worry I will solve the riddle ... πŸ€“

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal I don't know if I can help, but can you commit the non-working code to the dev branch? I will have a look at it. I think it is fair to committ non working code to dev - this is why you have "dev" after all (in contrast to master)... :-)

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

but can you commit the non-working code to the dev branch?

sure. πŸ˜€

The pixel wise rendering works fine in both resolutions Fullscreen 1440 x 900 and the original screenbuffer resolution of the emulator 428 x 284

ALT+ENTER toggles fullscreen

But the texture is still a miracle for me. Rendering in original size works good. What I now have discovered is that not only does it not work in 1440x900 fullscreen resolution but it is also not working when increasing the target size by just 5 Pixels.

To get some sort of understanding what happens here I hang into the event loop for the following keys: Arrow keys -> increases/decreases position in target rectangle w -> increments width in target rectangle (shift+w decrements) h -> increments height in target rectangle (shift+h decrements) mouse click -> prints the x y w h offsets into the console

by modifing this way the x y position and w h of the target we get a good looking picture but at weird values ....

I for sure must be missing something fundamental here πŸ₯΄...

#ifdef USE_SDL_2_PIXEL
  DestR.x = xOff ;
  DestR.y = yOff ;
  #ifdef USE_SDL_2_TEXTURE
  //just a try... 
  DestR.x = xOff + (emu_width - surface_width);  
  DestR.y = yOff + (surface_height - emu_height);
  DestR.w = surface_width + wOff;
  DestR.h = surface_height + hOff;

  //SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &DestR);
  SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &DestR);
mithrendal commented 4 years ago

status update ... very promising ... news ... I think I cracked it ... On changing target resolution it works now when I completely destroy πŸ’₯ πŸ™‰ the SDL window, renderer and texture and create new ones for the new resolution ... somewhow it did not like me to use the existing ones and just reset the size ...

Have to do some cleanups code is in a complete messy desparate condition πŸ™ˆ due to fiercely executed hacks πŸ”«πŸ’£ here and there ...

sy2002 commented 4 years ago


mithrendal commented 4 years ago

Oh boy πŸ˜–, it only works when the first window is fullscreen 😳 the second the small window the third the fullscreen ... and so on

But it does not work when the first is small and the second window is fullscreen ...😭

Also not so good 😡 when I destroy the SDL window, it logs to the console

Window 11 hidden
Window 11 lost keyboard focus
Window 12 resized to 1440x900
Mouse entered window 12
Window 12 gained keyboard focus
Window 12 shown

hidden ??? I want to destroy... I am a destroyer !!😀

does it really destroy the unused window or am I wasting memory here πŸ€” ...

I like to try something else, it must be possible to not always "destroy?" and re-create the windows. Because the SDL guys have invented the flag SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE when creating a window

   window = SDL_CreateWindow("",
                w, h, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE
sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal I went back to what you had committed in dev because I cannot believe that destroying and redoing everything is necessary. I also think it is not an SDL problem, but an SDL + emscripten problem, so I found this here and started reading: (I just started reading, no results, yet, but I thought this might be interessting for you, too)

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal and these findings might be interessting, too:

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal and this one might be the most helpful:

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal: Yes this last hint from works nicely. What I did: used your initial code from the dev branch (so forget the stuff about window destroying :-) ) and then:

#include <emscripten/html5.h>

and then in your SDL_KEYDOWN EVENT:

              EmscriptenFullscreenStrategy strategy;
              strategy.scaleMode = EMSCRIPTEN_FULLSCREEN_CANVAS_SCALE_STDDEF;
              strategy.filteringMode = EMSCRIPTEN_FULLSCREEN_FILTERING_DEFAULT;
              //strategy.canvasResizedCallback = emscripten_window_resized_callback;
              //strategy.canvasResizedCallbackUserData = this;   // pointer to user data
              emscripten_enter_soft_fullscreen("canvas", &strategy);           

Works like a charm.

Proof picture :-)


You just need to adjust leaving fullscreen in a similar way.

And there might be more things to consider, maybe other scaling modes, other fullscreen modes, ...

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

very nice I did not know about this special emscripten way ...

okay lets try it their way ...

bummer it works πŸ€“πŸ˜

but ... I noticed two things ...

first of course that is not a real fullscreen, we still see the titlebar of the browser and it is only rendered in the browsers space. Fair enough, if your browser is fullscreen, you will get a really full picture nearly as full as a complete full screen.

second ... in pixel rendering mode everything is fine so far .. but that rendering method was already working with the "real" fullscreen 😳

lets see what happens when we enable texture rendering ...

//#define USE_SDL_2_PIXEL 1
#define USE_SDL_2_TEXTURE 1

😫 Oh no, still black screen in pseudo fullscreen .... same as in the real fullscreen

πŸ€“ maybe a little piece of the puzzle is still missing ...

BTW exit works like this


this is the evil code "the texture render method" ... maybe buggy πŸ‘»

void draw_one_frame_into_SDL2_Texture(void *thisC64) {
  C64 *c64 = (C64 *)thisC64;

  void *texture = c64->vic.screenBuffer();

  int surface_width = window_surface->w;
  int surface_height = window_surface->h;

  SDL_UpdateTexture(screen_texture, NULL, texture, emu_width * 4);

  SDL_Rect SrcR;
  SDL_Rect DestR;

  SrcR.x = 0;
  SrcR.y = 0;
  SrcR.w = emu_width;
  SrcR.h = emu_height;

  DestR.x = xOff ;
  DestR.y = yOff ;
  DestR.w = surface_width + wOff;
  DestR.h = surface_height + hOff;

  //SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &DestR);
  SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &DestR);
  //SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, NULL, NULL);
sy2002 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. Can you check-in your latest status in dev ? I'd love to have a look.

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

I just pushed the commit with your suggestions to dev. I also found out, that there is another method called _emscripten_request_fullscreenstrategy which gives us the real thing 😎

unfortunately still the oddity with the scaling ... when texture rendering method is used.

Anyway I feel the path which you proposed (using emscriptens special "driver" API) is the way to go ...

Oh yes and try this ... go to fullscreen -> leave fullscreen -> go to fullscreen and voila you see again the bottom left egde of the blue C64 screen.

Maybe lets use some different fullscreen strategy hints ... will try that πŸ€“

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal Thank you for the push of dev. I double checked: you already had #define USE_SDL_2_TEXTURE 1 and you had commented out the other pixel define. So compiled this and here are good news: It works for me :-)

When I press ALT+ENTER I see a nice and real full screen without any errors.

Here is a video I made (download link works only 7 days, video is 19MB):

But what I saw - and that might be the reason that you receive errors: There is an index out of bounds exception, when I come back from full screen to normal screen. I showed the expection in the video and here is a screenshot of it:


Unfortunatelly I need to run now. I would have loved to debug it, but other committments are calling my attention. But I thought this feedback might be of value for you.

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

Interesting stuff on your computer it works on my not. I also don't get the exception which I saw in your video.

I strolled through the console and found one lonely error ... Error: WebGL warning: drawArraysInstanced: Drawing to a destination rect smaller than the viewport rect. (This warning will only be given once) vC64.js:1:134676 Ah it only gives me this warning only once, why ? Wait ... the next time ... there will be punishment 😳 ? We better obey the computers messages ....

Do you see that message too ?

Do you think it could be my graphics card ? I will try that on another computer ... hang on ...

EDIT: No on another computer also no success ... strange .. your computer does know how to behave πŸ€“...

Since the pixel render method works without any flaws on any computer it must be this part of code in the texture render method I guess

  SDL_Rect SrcR;
  SDL_Rect DestR;

  SrcR.x = 0;
  SrcR.y = 0;
  SrcR.w = emu_width;
  SrcR.h = emu_height;

  DestR.x = xOff ;
  DestR.y = yOff ;
  DestR.w = surface_width + wOff;
  DestR.h = surface_height + hOff;

  //SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &DestR);
  //SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &DestR);
  SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, NULL, NULL);

which is somehow wrong ! Because it is the only difference in code ... So it says to us "Drawing to a destination rect smaller than the viewport rect. " ... wait does that mean the DestR is smaller than the viewport rect ???

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

when I change code to this it does not complain anymore 😍....

  DestR.x = xOff ;
  DestR.y = yOff ;
  DestR.w = surface_width + wOff;
  DestR.h = surface_height + hOff;

  SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &DestR);
  SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &DestR);
  //SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, NULL, NULL);

I effectivly just gave it what it wanted πŸ™„: a destination rect not smaller than the viewport ...

Now sometimes it works fine in 1 case out of 5 when I switch to fullscreen, in 4 cases I also have a picture but the complete vC64 screen buffer in the bottom left edge ... Nice !! I think we got near the hot core .... should we wear masks 😷 and protection suits from now on ?

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

this version works perfectly for my computer. So happy. The javascript exception in Web-Console but no WebGL warning anymore and ALWAYS a perfect display 😎 on all my computers safari and firefox. (same as the pixel render method)

void draw_one_frame_into_SDL2_Texture(void *thisC64) {
  C64 *c64 = (C64 *)thisC64;

  void *texture = c64->vic.screenBuffer();

  int surface_width = window_surface->w;
  int surface_height = window_surface->h;

  SDL_UpdateTexture(screen_texture, NULL, texture, emu_width * 4);

  SDL_Rect SrcR;
  SDL_Rect DestR;

  SrcR.x = 0;
  SrcR.y = 0;
  SrcR.w = emu_width;
  SrcR.h = emu_height;

  DestR.x = xOff ;
  DestR.y = yOff ;
  DestR.w = surface_width + wOff;
  DestR.h = surface_height + hOff;

  SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &SrcR);
  SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &SrcR);
  //SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, NULL, NULL);

hope it works on your computer too ...

If yes we just have to clean up a little redundant code etc. 😍

just pushed that to the dev branch

Finding: no javascript exception when using the pixel render method. That means despite everything looks good now and no WebGL error anymore when using texture-rendering something still throws a lonly index out of bounds exception which is ignored but written to the log ...

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunatelly, on my computer this version never works. It looks like this:


I think we did step #1 but are missing step #2 of these instructions:

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

Haha πŸ˜‚ thats exactly how it looks on mine when I just do

 SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &DestR);
 SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &DestR);

with the latest it worked so well for all my macs safari and firefox ...

SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, &SrcR);
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, screen_texture, &SrcR, &SrcR);

Ok enough said 😀, now lets swap out the big "canvasResizedCallback" rocket launcher πŸš€ and put it into place to fight this enemy -> πŸ‘»

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

Wow, that's all very exciting (and very funny to read). I'll try to download the code in the afternoon 🀀. First, I have to solve a bigger problem: Finding a store that still has bread. Yesterday, I found one, but the guy in front of me took the last loaf πŸ˜–.

Ah it only gives me this warning only once, why ? Wait ... the next time ...

Uh oh, yes, you better take care. I remember to have received many MSG_CLEAN_UP_YOUR_ROOM messages when I was a child. They also had the "This warning will only be given once" label on it 😬.

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

news ticker: ... sy2002 special version is in place ... in latest commit on dev branch ... use with caution ... last loafs being bought by some hungry guys in southern germany ...

sy2002 commented 4 years ago


WOW I guess you nailed it!!

I don't have a lot of time right now (need to work ;-) ) but I quickly pulled your code, compiled... ...and: IT WORKS PERFECTLY!

I switched about 25 times between fullscreen and non fullscreen using ALT+ENTER: Perfect.

(Disclaimer: Only tested on a MacBook Pro and only on a Firefox)

But well - I guess you are on the road to success now! :-)

Congrats. Great job!

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

But well - I guess you are on the road to success now! :-)

Me, too. Me, too. Me, too πŸ₯³.


dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

Download complete... it's compiling now 🀀.

OK, the executable is ready. Let's try in Safari first. Looks good, something's coming up...

Ooups 😳. It definitely does something, but I get a different display window each time I switch back and forth between full screen mode and window mode. Seems like some random number generator is involved. Maybe a virus 🀭.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-27 um 18 08 03

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-27 um 18 08 16

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-27 um 18 08 22

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-27 um 18 08 30

Same in Chrome on my machine here πŸ˜ͺ.

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

there we have it ... I told you before to be very careful 😷 ... now see ... genetic mutation ... on all our computers the virus behaves differently. 😱

on my mac mini in safari I see the same random results as dirk ... whereas firefox on another mac works fine ... nevertheless in the end we will succeed πŸ’ͺ🏾 because we are humans

BTW: if you are sick of the random results, you can enable pixel render method to practical endlessly enjoy correct and consistent back and forth switching for hours ... good way of passing time in a quarantine 😎...

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

in the end we will succeed πŸ’ͺ🏾 because we are humans

That's what I call an attitude πŸ˜ƒ.

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

Gentlemen, this is really an interessting riddle. :-)

Two quick thoughts:

We might want to compare our browsers and machines using this tool, i.e. check the WebGL capabilities, since SDL in Emscripten uses WebGL:

But even before we do that: This here is DOSBOX compiled with SDL and Emscripten:

Can you check, if this works on the machine/browser combination that does not work on your side? Because if this is the case, we just need to look into the source code of the web version of DosBox:

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

Prince of Persia 🀀 ... on my way...

Results on Catalina 10.15.4:

Bottom line: Epic fail πŸ˜ͺ

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@dirkwhoffmann Interessting: On my Computer (Mojave 10.14.6) here are the test results:

Bottom line: We are at the bleeding edge of technology here.

Maybe the best compromise for now is:

soft fullscreen combined with streaming textures

The latter one for speed and the soft fullscreen for better compatibility?

strategy.canvasResizedCallback = emscripten_window_resized_callback;
strategy.canvasResizedCallbackUserData = this;   // pointer to user data
emscripten_enter_soft_fullscreen("canvas", &strategy);   
dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

Update from my side:

BTW, the fullscreen button only seems to work after DosBox has been launched.

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

my results... prince of persia real fullscreen test parcour ...

old safari 11.1.2 works 😊 latest firefox works 😊 safari 13.1 does not work inconsistent/random 😷

vc64web real fullscreen test parcour ... (for both render methods: pixel, texture) old safari 11.1.2 works 😊 latest firefox works 😊 safari 13.1 does not work or inconsistent/random 😷

I like to follow the advice of sy2002 ...

hang on I have to clear the area first from any virus ...


sector cleared capitain sy2002

new code is in place ....

lets do the test parcour again

vc64web soft fullscreen test parcour ... (for both render methods: pixel, texture) old safari 11.1.2 works 😊 latest firefox works 😊 safari 13.1 works 😊

new code pushed to dev 😎

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

The latest checkin seems to do the trick πŸ˜ƒ. At first, I though it doesn't work, because I was using the Fullscreen button. But pressing ALT-ENTER works like a charm in all browsers 😎. I guess the Fullscreen button invokes different code (which exhibits the snap-back, white screen, random stuff bug).

BTW, I think you had your webcam on while coding 😳. This one must have been recorded yesterday in the afternoon I think:


And this one is time-stamped around the time when you uploaded the bug fix:


mithrendal commented 4 years ago

Yes the fullscreen button is from the emscripten tutorial from the starter custom html template which does not work. I think the code behind the button is for SDL1. I will remove that guy and make a better looking html page.

BTW, I think you had your webcam on while coding 😳.

oh thanks mate. That was true 😱 Just turned it off.

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal I also tested on my side. Works fine now. Congrats! :-) So, three Mac guys. Anyone volunteering with a Windows 10 in Parallels to test if it works there? ;-)

About the Fullscreen button: Here is a code suggestion (which includes changes to the Makefile, to the .html shell and to the .cpp file) that makes the Fullscreen button work (ZIP attached)

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

Anyone volunteering with a Windows 10

What's Windows? πŸ€”

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

What's Windows? πŸ€”

An operating system especially made for game remakes. Most of these are poorly done and brutally over engineered. πŸ™„

C64 Version -> name of the windows remake Commando -> Battlefield Pirates-> assassin creed black flag High noon-> red dead redemption The last v8-> GTA5 Pitstop2 -> Need for speed

@sy2002 The next two days I am off from a computer. NeXt week I look ahead to review and merge your changes.

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal Thanks for havinging a look at my changes.

Two days off from a computer

?? !! WOW! That's a tough one :-)

dirkwhoffmann commented 4 years ago

VirtualC64web running in Edge. Fullscreen mode works like a charm 😎. Sound is perfect, too.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-29 um 18 29 57
mithrendal commented 4 years ago

Thanks for having a look at my changes.

The commits where fine, I merged them. Exactly the road which we want to go ... brilliant ... give me five πŸ–... oh no that was an error ... corona 😷 ... lets wash our hands 😬

Why not use github pull requests next time ?

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal Great news - thank you.

I guess fullscreen works now? Even on this obscure OS, that is mainly used for poorly done and brutally over engineered game remakes ;-)

Looks like another long running issue can be closed :-)

mithrendal commented 4 years ago

@sy2002 Yes looks fine 😍. Thank you for great and helpful analyse work and code contribution !

sy2002 commented 4 years ago

@mithrendal you are very welcome - was a big pleasure :-)