vccimaging / Reconstrution_Through_Moving_Water

Source code for 2021 ICCV paper "In-the-Wild Single Camera 3D Reconstruction Through Moving Water Surfaces"
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How to get fine optical flow #5

Open JamesYang-7 opened 1 year ago

JamesYang-7 commented 1 year ago

I tried generating optical flow of example 1 using RAFT and its pretrained weights but the result was not good. Did you use pretrained model directly for optical flow or finetuned on specific date set?

jhxiong commented 1 year ago

I used PWC-net to compute the optical flow. The flow model was pre-trained, I found it perform reasonably well on the water fluctuation distortions. I did not try with RAFT but I suppose it will not be worse. While you compute the flow on your own, you need to pay attention to: