vcharpenay / uRDF.js

JavaScript implementation of an RDF store based on the JSON-LD format
MIT License
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FILTER in FILTER EXISTS not properly handled #19

Open vcharpenay opened 4 years ago

vcharpenay commented 4 years ago

Example pattern:

?o a owl:Ontology ;
   vann:preferredNamespaceUri ?ns .
filter exists {
    ?i a ?c .
    ?c rdfs:subClassOf schema:Enumeration .
    filter (strstarts(str(?i), str(?ns)))

example doc: td.ttl.

Expected results but none found.

vcharpenay commented 4 years ago

Same in optional (same bug?).

?c a skos:Concept
optional {
  ?c skos:editiorialNote ?note .
  filter (contains(?note, "notaword"))

won't return any result although some skos:Concept are defined.

vcharpenay commented 4 years ago

bug in optional was due to an error in makeSafe. Now fixed (e600344f2d7fa1915a7061509917f31fa83d8fdb) but query evaluation is significantly slower (duplicate evaluations).