vchelaru / Gum

Flexible layout tool for creating UI on any platform
MIT License
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Gum 2.0 Planning #178

Open vchelaru opened 3 weeks ago

vchelaru commented 3 weeks ago


Gum 2.0 is a planned upgrade to the Gum UI tool which overhauls many of the existing systems.

Trello board:

Gum 2.0 Goals

Gum is a powerful UI tool but it has some limitations from the technologies used in the existing version of the tool. Gum 2.0 changes some of the main systems in Gum to address these limitations. The desired outcomes from Gum 2.0 are:

We are also considering using SkiaSharp instead of MonoGame, which would provide the following benefits:

The use of SkiaSharp does not necessarily need to happen immediately. If it's easier, we could use MonoGame to take advantage of the "RenderingLibrary" library. The editor window should be more of a plugin than it is in Gum 1.0 so that it can be swapped out later if desired.

Update 1

After having written this, I realize that using SkiaSharp would provide some benefits, but it would require a lot of additional new code. A lot of the existing edit window code will work if we stick to MonoGame instead of Skia so we'll use that for 2.0. Later versions can add plugins which allow SkiaSharp rendering.

Incremental Upgrading

While desirable, an incremental upgrade to Gum 2.0 is not possible. Currently some efforts have been made to modernize Gum incrementally. These include:

The next incremental step would be to begin replacing parts of Gum UI with Avalonia islands. Unfortunately, Avalonia does not support .NET Framework 4.7, and upgrading Gum to a modern .NET would be complicated, and may break XNA support. Therefore, since the upgrade path is complex enough, it may be worth starting Gum 2.0 as a separate project.

It is important to note that the effort to create Gum 2.0 should attempt to reuse as much existing code as possible. The specifics of this will be outlined in the next section. Systems will only be rewritten if absolutely necessary. Also, Gum 2.0 will still be built incrementally and as it is built, we may find opportunities to reuse code from Gum 1.0 with small adjustments.

High Level System Discussions


The current TreeView is using a modified WinForms tree view which originated at Wahoo/NinjaBee. The upgrade to Avalonia would require a new TreeView which supports multiselect and no selection on push. This is critical since Gum currently allows users to push+drag one component onto another Component/Screen, or into the wireframe preview window.

While this may seem simple, this push+drag without selection has always caused problems with both Gum and the FlatRedBall editor's TreeView (which is currently WPF).

Currently Gum's SelectedState object directly interacts with the TreeView (through a manager). Instead, we should incorporate a plugin style selection similar to FRB which pushes selections to a centralized object then notifies all plugins of the changed selection.

Editor Window (Wireframe)

The Editor Window, whether using SkiaSharp or MonoGame, should use the same object creation logic as is used in MonoGame projects. In other words, it should not have custom code for creating instances. Rather it should convert the elements to instances using the standard conversion tool, and also the standard variable assignments.

If using MonoGame, much of the editing logic can come over without changes, so this is a strong reason to use MonoGame instead of SkiaSharp. Unfortunately much of the editing logic may be intertwined with Gum rather than isolated into a separate plugin so this may make migration messy.

Core Libraries

This should use the core libraries that are used by MonoGame projects rather than the combined library that is part of Gum. All code should be the same, but the project structure should reflect a modern MonoGame project. If using SkiaSharp this also applies.


This should come over as-is from Gum, unchanged.


This should come over as-is from Gum, unchanged.


The undo system should come over from existing Gum unchanged. Although it is not perfect, it has worked fairly well and it is best to focus on the required changes.

File IO

This should come over as-is from Gum, unchanged.

DataUiGrid (PropertyGrid)

An Avalonia DataUiGrid will be necessary for viewing/setting properties. The existing DataUiGrid uses WPF so much of it may come over as-is to Avalonia. The Avalonia grid should attempt to reuse as much of the WPF DataUiGrid as possible, including using InstanceMembers so that existing Gum code can come over unchanged. By using InstanceMembers, the Avalonia grid could also be potentially re-used in FRB or other Avalonia-based tools in the future.

Plugin System

The plugin system should remain mostly unchanged, but may need modifications to support working with Avalonia rather than WPF.

Texture Coordiante Window

This should follow the same technology and upgrade path used to upgrade the main editor window. This is not high priority and can follow later.

State Animation

This should mostly come over unchanged, but if difficult this is a low-priority system that can come over later.


Milestones will be tracked in Trello. Github's project system has many UI problems making it difficult to work with. Trello is much simpler to work with so it should be used instead.

The goal of each milestone is to make the smallest changes possible while still improving the project. Therefore, the first milestones may be the biggest of all milestones because they require the most changes just to get systems in place. At some point Gum 2.0 will be functional enough that we no longer need milestones, and instead we can move to Github issues for tasks. The point where this happens is unknown and we will decide as the project moves forward.

The following lists possible milestones. Note that as the project advances the likelihood that the later miles remain accurate goes down. This should be used not as a fixed roadmap but just a general idea of what kinds of things are needed for milestones.

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Milestone 4

Milestone 5

Milestone 6 - undos and file IO (saving)

Milestone 7 - state UI

Milestone 8 - Search