I've had this extension installed for the longest time but not really used it. Trying to use it today reminded me of why. Wheneveri try to change colour, turn off/on a light, change scene or anything really, there's a huge delay up to 5 minutes or so, or no response at all. Tried generating a log, but it's completely empty.
Hi @R-Sharafaldin . That is odd... Please, I have a few questions:
what is your system (version) and gnome version?
what version of hue-lights do you use? (early versions had performance issues...) are you on current 33?
could you provide a list of other extensions installed on your system?
do you use wifi or ethernet?
could you check the bridge timeout in settings? what is the value? (default is 2 ... after 2 seconds the connection should be lost - it is odd to have 5 minutes delay:-))
I've had this extension installed for the longest time but not really used it. Trying to use it today reminded me of why. Wheneveri try to change colour, turn off/on a light, change scene or anything really, there's a huge delay up to 5 minutes or so, or no response at all. Tried generating a log, but it's completely empty.