vchoutas / smplify-x

Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body from a Single Image
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Why there is a difference between Between Smplify-x output .pkl and SMPLX model para? #170

Open zhan0502 opened 2 years ago

zhan0502 commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I found the output of Smplify-x output has different format from SMPLX model as shown below. What is the underlying cause of this? Is there a way to make the output .pkl file has the same pose parameter dimension as the original SMPLX 3D model? Thank you.

SMPLX original param dimension betas 10, global_orient 3, transl 3, left_hand_pose 45, right_hand_pose 45, jaw_pose 3, leye_pose 3 , reye_pose 3, expression 10, body_pose 63, keypoints_3d 25, pose_embedding 32, gender 1, v 10475

Smplify-X: camera_rotation 3, camera_translation 3, betas 10, global_orient 3, left_hand_pose 12, right_hand_pose 12, jaw_pose 3, leye_pose 3 reye_pose 3, expression 10, body_pose 32

haiderasad commented 2 years ago

@zhan0502 found any solution how to load generated pkl files in blender? having the same problem and yes in smplify-x the pose_embeding, keypoints_3d and gender params are missing

yqtl commented 2 years ago

I think a workaround could be using to transfer Smplify-x generated obj file to SMPLX format pkl file.

Ginjing-Yuan commented 11 months ago

Is there any idea to control the dimensions of parameter in pkl file?