vchoutas / torch-mesh-isect

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Can't install successfully on windows #5

Closed conorcodes closed 4 years ago

conorcodes commented 4 years ago

I'm having trouble getting this to work on Windows. I get these errors when running

`src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: identifier "start" is undefined

src/ error: identifier "stop" is undefined

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected a ";"

src/ warning: variable "triangles_ptr" was declared but never referenced

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: identifier "start" is undefined

src/ error: identifier "stop" is undefined

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: expected an expression

src/ error: "#" not expected here

src/ error: "#" not expected here

Error limit reached. 100 errors detected in the compilation of "C:/Users/fitzgcon/AppData/Local/Temp/1/tmpxft_00001d58_00000000-10_bvh_cuda_op.cpp1.ii". Compilation terminated. error: command 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.2\bin\nvcc.exe' failed with exit status 1`

vchoutas commented 4 years ago

@conorcodes Unfortunately I don't have access to a Windows machine and can't help you with the compilation right now.

conorcodes commented 4 years ago

I did manage to get it installed. Removing all debugging if statements in AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES( solved it for me.

zhaishengfu commented 4 years ago

@conorcodes Do you means DEBUG_PRINT? I have the same error and delete all DEBUG_PRINT but still have the problem

zhaishengfu commented 4 years ago

I met new problem: error LNK2001: undefined external symbol "public: long * __cdecl at::Tensor::data(void)const " (??$data@J@Tensor@at@@QEBAPEAJXZ)

conorcodes commented 4 years ago

@zhaishengfu Here's my modified file that works on windows:

electronicliujiang commented 4 years ago

how to run this code in win10?

zhaishengfu commented 4 years ago

thanks @conorcodes

electronicliujiang commented 4 years ago

hello do you know how to run this code in win10? @conorcodes

conorcodes commented 4 years ago

hi @electronicliujiang check the gist I posted above. That works for me on windows10

BboyHanat commented 3 years ago

I met new problem: error LNK2001: undefined external symbol "public: long * __cdecl at::Tensor::data(void)const " (??$data@J@Tensor@at@@QEBAPEAJXZ)

Hey, I encountered the same error, may I know you solution to the problem?