vchuravy / HashArrayMappedTries.jl

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broken with Symbol keys #11

Open xitology opened 1 month ago

xitology commented 1 month ago

HAMT does not work correctly with keys of type Symbol. Here's a test case:

julia> VERSION

(@v1.10) pkg> st HashArrayMappedTries
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml`
  [076d061b] HashArrayMappedTries v0.2.0

julia> using HashArrayMappedTries

julia> hamt = HAMT{Symbol, Nothing}();

julia> for sym in [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f]; hamt = insert(hamt, sym, nothing); end

julia> hamt[:a]
ERROR: KeyError: key :a not found
 [1] getindex(trie::HAMT{Symbol, Nothing}, key::Symbol)
   @ HashArrayMappedTries ~/.julia/packages/HashArrayMappedTries/CozZ8/src/HashArrayMappedTries.jl:182
 [2] top-level scope
   @ REPL[6]:1

This seems to be caused by the code assuming hash(key) == hash(key, UInt(0)), which is not true for Symbols.

vchuravy commented 1 month ago

I think I fixed this upstream in

If you have time I would appreciate a PR that does the same here.