vdeksne / Women-s-Network

MIT License
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Toggle not working | Blogs.vue #2

Closed vdeksne closed 2 months ago

vdeksne commented 2 months ago
vdeksne commented 2 months ago
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 16 34 22
vdeksne commented 2 months ago

Fixed. @BlogCards.vue

  <div class="blog-card">
    <div v-show="editPost" class="icons">
      <div @click="editBlog" class="icon">
        <Edit class="edit" />

      <div @click="deletePost" class="icon">
        <Delete class="delete" />

    <!-- Directly bind the Firebase Storage URL to the src attribute -->
    <img :src="post.blogCoverPhoto" alt="Blog cover photo" />

    <div class="info">
      <h4>{{ post.blogTitle }}</h4>
      <h6>Posted on: {{ post.blogDate }}</h6>
      <router-link class="link" to="#">
        View the Post
        <Arrow class="arrow" />