vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.
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How do I know if DIA-NN is still processing or is idle #1018

Open brunoalex7 opened 1 month ago

brunoalex7 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I am a new user of DIA-NN. I setup a first DIA-NN run using a DB of ~70k entries and 19 samples and it took less than 1 day to finish. Now, I am using the same settings (see attached pic), but using a larger DB (>4 million entries) and high sample number (51). It has been running for 10 days now and, for the past days, I noticed the CPU and memory usage was kept at a constant level (2.8% CPU, 43% memory, and disk is 0%). Can you tell me how can I assess whether DIA-NN is still running? As I am new to DIA-NN I have no idea what would be the expected processing time for this kind of search with the current system resources in place.

I really appreciate all the help you can provide. Thank you, Bruno

system resources_CPU_Memory log
![system resources_Memory](https://github.com/vdemichev/DiaNN/assets/132466775/9be97683-62ae-49b2-8d82-2b566c76f3d8)

vdemichev commented 1 month ago

Hi Bruno,

For large databases, please use 1.8.2 beta 27 or later (actually DIA-NN 1.9 release in a few days). The new versions have the issues with slow in silico library generation fixed.

Best, Vadim