vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.
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how to re-compile this project #1043

Open PriceZhang opened 3 weeks ago

PriceZhang commented 3 weeks ago

In the Linux system, I replaced the eigen library to adapt to AMD graphics cards, and now I want to recompile this project. What should I do

vdemichev commented 3 weeks ago

Not possible, DIA-NN is not open source

ovigy commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Vadim, hi All, related to the software licence, could you please update the "licence.txt" accordingly? For the moment, il contains this information: "Please see the LICENSE.txt file in the ditribution package of the respective DIA-NN version." (see in the DIA-NN 1.9 zip file) Thanks for developping DIA-NN and your assistance for any questions! Oana

vdemichev commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Oana,

This is done like this to exclude the possiblity that the licence packaged in the distribution is updated while an old one remains on github, as well as to exclude a confusing situation that may arise of someone considers the github licence to also apply to all the releases, even the old ones. So please just install DIA-NN and see the licence therein.

Best, Vadim

ovigy commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Vadim, thanks for the explanation. Reading the 1.9 licence, if I understand correctly, in the context of a proteomics platform activity: it is not authorized to deliver results with DIA-NN 1.9 to a private partner, am'I right? Best regards, Oana

vdemichev commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Oana,

Licence fully explains the scope of DIA-NN usage.

Best, Vadim