vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.
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Decoy.CScore and Decoy.Evidence #662

Open tobiasko opened 1 year ago

tobiasko commented 1 year ago

Hi Vadim,

what do the Decoy.CSsore and the Decoy.Evidence column in the main report contain?

Best, Tobi

vdemichev commented 1 year ago

Hi Tobi,

Info on the respective decoys, this has been incorporated in DIA-NN several years ago and is no longer of relevance.

Best, Vadim

tobiasko commented 1 year ago

Why is it "no longer of relevance"? It sound like the Decoy.CSscore basically contains the null distribution of scores?

vdemichev commented 1 year ago

Not all decoys are reported anyway. Basically, this was implemented for debugging purposes long ago.