I wish to move my data analysis to a cluster environment to expedite data analysis due to backlogged data analysis on my local device. I am attempting to run DIANN on my institutions Linux cluster. I am using .d data from a Bruker TimsTOF Pro2, and I keep getting the following error message: "ERROR: either the dia-PASEF file is damaged or a .dia file produced by an older DIA-NN version has been loaded: performance might be suboptimal, regenerate the .dia file using this DIA-NN version"
The files on the cluster have not been manipulated or edited, so I believe that I am executing the command incorrectly.
I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to resolve this error. I have attached the output report below. Please let me know if you have recommendations. Thank you very much.
Thread number set to 16
Output will be filtered at 0.01 FDR
Precursor/protein x samples expression level matrices will be saved along with the main report
A spectral library will be generated
Library precursors will be reannotated using the FASTA database
N-terminal methionine excision enabled
In silico digest will involve cuts at K,R
Maximum number of missed cleavages set to 3
Min peptide length set to 7
Max peptide length set to 30
Min precursor m/z set to 300
Max precursor m/z set to 1800
Min precursor charge set to 1
Max precursor charge set to 4
Cysteine carbamidomethylation enabled as a fixed modification
Maximum number of variable modifications set to 3
Modification UniMod:35 with mass delta 15.9949 at M will be considered as variable
Modification UniMod:1 with mass delta 42.0106 at *n will be considered as variable
Existing .quant files will be used
A spectral library will be created from the DIA runs and used to reanalyse them; .quant files will only be saved to disk during the first step
When generating a spectral library, in silico predicted spectra will be retained if deemed more reliable than experimental ones
Fixed-width center of each elution peak will be used for quantification
Interference removal from fragment elution curves disabled
Mass accuracy will be fixed to 1.5e-05 (MS2) and 1.5e-05 (MS1)
The following variable modifications will be scored: UniMod:1
18 files will be processed
[0:00] Loading spectral library /blue/cseath/camerondouglas/diann_files/report-lib.predicted.speclib
[0:02] Library annotated with sequence database(s): C:\Users\ciaran\Desktop\FASTA FILES\uniprot-download_true_format_fasta_query__2A_20AND_20_28model_organi-2022.08.08-
[0:03] Spectral library loaded: 20373 protein isoforms, 29157 protein groups and 4293202 precursors in 1336696 elution groups.
[0:03] Loading FASTA /blue/cseath/camerondouglas/diann_files/uniprot-download_true_format_fasta_query__2A_20AND_20_28model_organi-2022.08.08-
[0:27] Reannotating library precursors with information from the FASTA database
[0:31] Finding proteotypic peptides (assuming that the list of UniProt ids provided for each peptide is complete)
[0:31] 4293202 precursors generated
[0:31] Gene names missing for some isoforms
[0:31] Library contains 20373 proteins, and 20155 genes
[0:33] Initialising library
[0:37] First pass: generating a spectral library from DIA data
[0:37] File #1/18
[0:37] Loading run /blue/cseath/camerondouglas/06.26.2023_HDACi_data/MS223061_CS_CD_Romidepsin_4_Slot2-19_1_2535.d
ERROR: either the dia-PASEF file is damaged or a .dia file produced by an older DIA-NN version has been loaded: performance might be suboptimal, regenerate the .dia file using this DIA-NN version
WARNING: incorrectly recorded isolation window margins
[0:37] 0 library precursors are potentially detectable
[0:37] Processing...
[0:37] Removing low confidence identifications
[0:37] Searching PTM decoys
[0:37] Removing interfering precursors
[0:37] Too few confident identifications, neural networks will not be used
[0:37] Number of IDs at 0.01 FDR: 0
[0:37] Calculating protein q-values
[0:37] Number of genes identified at 1% FDR: 0 (precursor-level), 0 (protein-level) (inference performed using proteotypic peptides only)
[0:37] Quantification
[3:11] Quantification information saved to /blue/cseath/camerondouglas/06.26.2023_HDACi_data/MS223061_CS_CD_Romidepsin_4_Slot2-19_1_2535.d.quant.
I wish to move my data analysis to a cluster environment to expedite data analysis due to backlogged data analysis on my local device. I am attempting to run DIANN on my institutions Linux cluster. I am using .d data from a Bruker TimsTOF Pro2, and I keep getting the following error message: "ERROR: either the dia-PASEF file is damaged or a .dia file produced by an older DIA-NN version has been loaded: performance might be suboptimal, regenerate the .dia file using this DIA-NN version"
The files on the cluster have not been manipulated or edited, so I believe that I am executing the command incorrectly.
I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to resolve this error. I have attached the output report below. Please let me know if you have recommendations. Thank you very much.