vdemichev / DiaNN

DIA-NN - a universal automated software suite for DIA proteomics data analysis.
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Tsv format for library #903

Open Giu-F opened 5 months ago

Giu-F commented 5 months ago

Hi, I generated a library from a fasta file in DIANN and got it in the predicted.speclib format. I need to convert it to .tsv. I converted it to .tsv by loading the library, unchecking the two boxes in the “Precursor Generation” tab, then clicking “Run”. Then I tried to load the .tsv library in DIANN again but it does give this error: ERROR: C:\diann\src\diann.cpp: 19135: Cannot load spectral library. Thanks in advance

vdemichev commented 5 months ago

Was the .tsv file created? How do all logs look like?