vdesabou / kafka-docker-playground

🐳✨ Fully automated Apache Kafka® and Confluent Docker based examples // 👷‍♂️ Easily build examples or reproduction models
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Add playground debug java-debug #5663

Closed vdesabou closed 1 month ago

vdesabou commented 1 month ago


🔬 Class loading

vdesabou commented 1 month ago
playground debug java-debug --type class_loading                                                                                          
00:24:35 ℹ️ 🟢 enabling container connect with JVM arguments KAFKA_OPTS: -verbose:class
00:24:35 ℹ️ 🚀 Using specified CP version 7.6.1
[+] Running 6/6
 ✔ Container zookeeper        Running                                                                                                                                                             0.0s 
 ✔ Container oracle           Running                                                                                                                                                             0.0s 
 ✔ Container broker           Running                                                                                                                                                             0.0s 
 ✔ Container schema-registry  Running                                                                                                                                                             0.0s 
 ✔ Container connect          Started                                                                                                                                                             7.3s 
 ✔ Container control-center   Started     
vdesabou commented 1 month ago
playground debug java-debug --help
playground debug java-debug - 🐞 JVM arguments for SSL, Kerberos or Class Loading

== Usage ==
  playground debug java-debug [OPTIONS]
  playground debug java-debug --help | -h

== Options ==
  --container, -c CONTAINER
    🐳 Container name
    Default: connect

  --type TYPE (required)
    - ssl_all: Enable all SSL debugging, i.e -Djavax.net.debug=all
    - ssl_handshake: Enable SSL handshake debugging, i.e
    - class_loading: Enable class loading debugging, i.e -verbose:class
    - kerberos: Enable Kerberos debugging, i.e -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true
    Allowed: ssl_all, ssl_handshake, class_loading, kerberos

  --action ACTION
    🟢 enable or disable
    Allowed: enable, disable
    Default: enable

  --help, -h
    Show this help

  playground debug java-debug --type class_loading
  playground debug java-debug --container broker --action start