vdesabou / kafka-docker-playground

🐳✨ Fully automated Apache Kafka® and Confluent Docker based examples // 👷‍♂️ Easily build examples or reproduction models
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Add playground connector offsets get-offsets-request-status #5691

Closed vdesabou closed 2 weeks ago

vdesabou commented 2 weeks ago


vdesabou commented 2 weeks ago
playground connector offsets get-offsets-request-status
23:05:14 ℹ️ ✨ --connector flag was not provided, applying command to all connectors
23:05:18 ℹ️ 👁️‍🗨️ Getting status of the previous offset request for 🌤️🤖fully managed connector HttpSinkOffest3_vsaboulin (lcc-8qrn80)
  "request": {
    "id": "lcc-8qrn80",
    "name": "HttpSinkOffest3_vsaboulin",
    "offsets": [
        "partition": {
          "kafka_partition": 0,
          "kafka_topic": "http-topic3"
        "offset": {
          "kafka_offset": 8
    "requested_at": "2024-06-12T20:47:22.270695960Z",
    "type": "PATCH"
  "status": {
    "phase": "FAILED",
    "message": " Failed altering consumer group offsets for the following partitions: [http-topic3-0]"
  "previous_offsets": [],
  "applied_at": null
23:05:22 ℹ️ 👁️‍🗨️ Getting status of the previous offset request for 🌤️🤖fully managed connector HttpSinkOffest_vsaboulin (lcc-jwmx12)
  "request": {
    "id": "lcc-jwmx12",
    "name": "HttpSinkOffest_vsaboulin",
    "offsets": [
        "partition": {
          "kafka_partition": 0,
          "kafka_topic": "http-topic"
        "offset": {
          "kafka_offset": 8
    "requested_at": "2024-06-12T20:37:47.265575370Z",
    "type": "PATCH"
  "status": {
    "phase": "APPLIED",
    "message": "The Connect framework-managed offsets for this connector have been altered successfully. However, if this connector manages offsets externally, they will need to be manually altered in the system that the connector uses."
  "previous_offsets": [],
  "applied_at": "2024-06-12T20:37:50.688313471Z"