vdesabou / kafka-docker-playground

🐳✨ Fully automated Apache Kafka® and Confluent Docker based examples // 👷‍♂️ Easily build examples or reproduction models
MIT License
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Add cli for AWS EC2 instance (using Cloud Formation) #5730

Closed vdesabou closed 1 day ago

vdesabou commented 5 days ago


vdesabou commented 4 days ago
playground ec2 create --suffix test
09:38:57 ℹ️ 🏭 creating t3.2xlarge instance kafka-docker-playground-vsaboulin-test in eu-west-3 region (1000 Gb)
09:38:57 ℹ️ 🌀 cloud formation file used: /Users/vsaboulin/Documents/github/kafka-docker-playground/cloudformation/kafka-docker-playground.yml
09:38:57 ℹ️ 🔐 ec2 pem file used: /Users/vsaboulin/Downloads/xxx.pem
    "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-3:xxx:stack/kafka-docker-playground-vsaboulin-test/xxxxx-390f-11ef-82f9-xxxx"
09:38:59 ℹ️ ⌛ Waiting up to 300 seconds for ec2 instance kafka-docker-playground-vsaboulin-test to be running
09:39:21 ℹ️ ec2 instance kafka-docker-playground-vsaboulin-test is running
    "Return": true
vdesabou commented 4 days ago

available now: https://kafka-docker-playground.io/#/playground%20ec2

vdesabou commented 3 days ago