ve12sus / threeway

Custom Squarespace template
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style individual post #21

Closed chufucious closed 6 years ago

chufucious commented 6 years ago
dansprout commented 6 years ago

confirmed with eric, the main image of the post should be pulled into that header image. I believe we can adjust the crop and what not with the SS admin system

ve12sus commented 6 years ago

main image confirmed pulled into header image. saw your note about the css below. Please check live site Eric and we can chat.

post-header {

// jeff: this needs more work, depending on how SS works. let's chat height: 400px; overflow: hidden; img { width: 100%; } }

chufucious commented 6 years ago
chufucious commented 6 years ago

Aside from the previous comments, I've fixed the styling issues for this page in this branch

chufucious commented 6 years ago

ve12sus commented 6 years ago

re: removing first image. Its hard to believe but the backend only lets me select one (1) image from each individual blog post. That image is the 'thumbnail' that you can upload. I cannot touch or query the other images attached to the 'body' of the json object/post.

we can talk about this more in slack.

re:correct images. no its not correct on purpose lets talk about this on slack.

ve12sus commented 6 years ago

Talked this over with Eric. The thumbnail uploaded is the image on the single post header. If we/client make sure to not use the same image in the blog body and the thumbnail it will not repeat.

chufucious commented 6 years ago

@dansprout please delete the post stuff