Open everythingnew opened 4 years ago
and d.title ilike 'Der Eisenhans' and (not (p.parent_pos =0 or p.pos_id=0))
Wenn wir das integrieren kriegen wir 0 punkte, man darf nur (POS_TYPE.DESCRIPTION=’N’) verwenden
WITH n1 as (SELECT pos_id as pi1 FROM pos_type p1 WHERE description = 'N'),
n2 as (SELECT p2.pos_id as term FROM pos_type p2, n1 WHERE p2.parent_pos = n1.pi1)
SELECT count(dt.term) as anzahl_nicht_substantive FROM document d, document_term dt, pos_type p3 WHERE d.document_id = dt.document_id AND dt.pos_id = p3.pos_id AND d.title like 'Der Eisenhans'
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM n2 WHERE p3.pos_id = n2.term)
select count(*) as anzahl from document d ,document_term t , pos_type p
where d.document_id = t.document_id and t.pos_id =p.pos_id and d.title ilike 'Der Eisenhans' and (not (p.parent_pos =0 or p.pos_id=0))
-- output = 1913 --Lösung = 2461