vearne / grpcreplay

GrpcReplay is an open-source network monitoring tool which can record your grpc traffic and use it for shadowing, load testing, monitoring and detailed analysis.
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link

Why to intercept the specified port traffic reported error?services is ok. #38

Closed fireblackman closed 5 hours ago

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

$ sudo ./grpcr --input-raw=":6789" --output-stdout

/ __// \ / \ / __// \ / / / // // // // / / // / / // // , // // /_ / , / __/// ||/_/ \/// ||
2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] input-raw, [:6789] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] input-file-directory, [] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] input-file-replay-speed, 1 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] input-rocketmq-name-server, [] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] input-rocketmq-topic, test 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] output-stdout, true 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] output-file-directory, [] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] output-grpc, [] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] output-rocketmq-name-server, [] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] output-rocketmq-topic, test 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] create new Processer 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] ipSet:[fe80::f828:a1ff:fede:7637 fe80::74fb:9bff:fe7e:faa4 fe80::1808:d264:a187:f27 fe80::d035:4cff:fea9:1945 fe80::42:5dff:fe94:e307 fe80::d4b1:88ff:feed:9904 fe80::ca1:89ff:fe19:34e8 fe80::2821:6ff:fe45:43d ::1] 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] plugins:##### len(Inputs):1, len(Outputs):1, len(All):2 ##### 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:vethc953e9f, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:enp4s0, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:vetha2e01e0, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:vethd99702e, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:vethd69f3e8, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:veth8c8d47d, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:lo, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:docker0, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [info] listener:device:vethffa277a, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/09 10:08:44 [fatal] listener.listen:wlx200db030fcd1: That device is not up

vearne commented 1 week ago

Judging from the error message, there are multiple network cards on this machine, and one of them, wlx200db030fcd1, is not started. You can specify a specific IP to listen on to avoid this problem, such as

 sudo ./grpcr --input-raw="" --output-stdout
fireblackman commented 1 week ago

ok, this is ok, but i have two problems.

1、1 d520a888-6e7e-11ef-a37e-04421a24b909 1725867649239668207 {"headers":{":authority":"",":method":"POST",":path":"/xxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/QueryEcsCommand",":scheme":"http","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-timeout":"4010m","te":"trailers","user-agent":"grpc-c++/1.46.0 grpc-c/24.0.0 (linux; chttp2)"},"method":"/fabupilot.antenna.AntennaServer/QueryEcsCommand","request":"{\"vehicleName\":\"howo28_test\",\"commandKey\":[{\"commandType\":\"SLOW_BRAKE\"},{\"commandType\":\"EMERGENCY_BRAKE\"},{\"commandType\":\"ALL_SLOW_BRAKE\"},{\"commandType\":\"HMI\"},{\"commandType\":\"LOCALIZATION_RESET\"},{\"commandType\":\"PASSBY_LANE_COMMAND\"}]}"}

2024/09/09 15:40:49 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 15:40:49 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 15:40:49 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64

2、1 d398f960-6e7e-11ef-a37e-04421a24b909 1725867646672726540 {"headers":{":status":"200","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-message":"","grpc-status":"0"},"method":"","request":""}

1 d398fa1c-6e7e-11ef-a37e-04421a24b909 1725867646672745337 {"headers":{":authority":"",":method":"POST",":path":"/xxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/IsCommandCancelled",":scheme":"http","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-timeout":"1010m","te":"trailers","user-agent":"grpc-c++/1.46.0 grpc-c/24.0.0 (linux; chttp2)"},"method":"/xxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/IsCommandCancelled","request":"{\"uuid\":\"5ef2176e-6e7e-11ef-8d88-0242ac110004\"}"}

1 d398fb00-6e7e-11ef-a37e-04421a24b909 1725867646672768140 {"headers":{":status":"200","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-message":"","grpc-status":"0"},"method":"","request":""}

1 d398fba9-6e7e-11ef-a37e-04421a24b909 1725867646672785050 {"headers":{":authority":"",":method":"POST",":path":"/xxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/GetV2VCommand",":scheme":"http","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-timeout":"4010m","te":"trailers","user-agent":"grpc-c++/1.46.0 grpc-c/24.0.0 (linux; chttp2)"},"method":"/xxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/GetV2VCommand","request":"{\"vehicleName\":\"howo28_test\",\"type\":\"V2ITX\"}"}

2024/09/09 15:40:46 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:1324439310, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/09 15:40:46 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:1324440758, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/09 15:40:46 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:1324442206, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/09 15:40:46 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 15:40:46 [error] method is empty, this is illegal

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

2024/09/09 15:40:49 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 1 d520e617-6e7e-11ef-a37e-04421a24b909 1725867649241244053 {"headers":{":authority":"",":method":"POST",":path":"/xxxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/RoadsidePerceptionDownload",":scheme":"http","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-timeout":"4010m","te":"trailers","user-agent":"grpc-c++/1.46.0 grpc-c/24.0.0 (linux; chttp2)"},"method":"/xxxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/RoadsidePerceptionDownload","request":"{\"vehicleName\":\"howo28_test\",\"utmX\":404260.98991896334,\"utmY\":3295150.846968394,\"radius\":50}"}

2024/09/09 15:40:49 [fatal] descSource.FindSymbol, service:, error:Symbol not found:

the program is exit.

vearne commented 1 week ago
2024/09/09 15:40:49 [fatal] descSource.FindSymbol, service:, error:Symbol not found:

This indicates that the Symbol acquisition failed. Previously, the program would exit directly if the acquisition failed. I changed it to not exit. Use v0.1.5, and try again.

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 66 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 70 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 71 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 1 bae112a9-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581188211 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

1 bae112db-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581193243 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

1 bae11361-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581206673 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

1 bae11410-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581224108 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 67 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 69 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 65 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:04:56 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 1 bae114d1-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581243455 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

1 bae11559-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581257082 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

1 bae115d7-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581269635 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

1 bae116a4-6ea3-11ef-b9e6-04421a24b909 1725883496581290088 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

Why can not parse the method name and body?

vearne commented 1 week ago

Unary RPC ?

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

yes, At first you can also parse some of the interface, then almost all the error。

vearne commented 1 week ago

Judging from the error, it seems that the header is parsed incorrectly. Is the address the service listens on IPv4?

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

It is ipv4, which seems less stable. I need to restart the client to reparse to the body, but there are still some no method 1 cbc0d4f0-6ea5-11ef-aaae-04421a24b909 1725884383884619300 {"headers":{":status":"200","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-message":"","grpc-status":"0"},"method":"","request":""}

1 cbc0d530-6ea5-11ef-aaae-04421a24b909 1725884383884625759 {"headers":{":status":"200","content-type":"application/grpc","grpc-accept-encoding":"identity, deflate, gzip","grpc-message":"","grpc-status":"0"},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 20:19:43 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:19:43 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:19:43 [error] method is empty, this is illegal

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

This problem seems to appear when I restart the recording program or grpc client, the probability of occurrence is quite large, accidentally can be right, you can parse.

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/RoadsidePerceptionDownload, json.Marshal:proto: field xxxxxx.antenna.RoadsidePerceptionDownloadRequest.vehicle_name contains invalid UTF-8 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 74 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 73 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 71 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 75 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/GetV2VCommand, json.Marshal:proto: field xxxxx.antenna.GetV2VCommandRequest.type contains invalid UTF-8 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 72 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 69 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 74 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/PushVehicleStatus, proto.Unmarshal:proto: cannot parse invalid wire-format data 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 73 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 82 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/RoadsidePerceptionDownload, json.Marshal:proto: field xxxxxx.antenna.RoadsidePerceptionDownloadRequest.vehicle_name contains invalid UTF-8

It seems that there are still some compatibility issues.

use: sudo ./grpcr --input-raw="" --output-file-directory="/tmp" --output-file-max-size=5000

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

replay look like slow, mybe blocked, parse also failed.

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d676a-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851671491} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d676a-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851671491} {map[] }} 1 e93d67d9-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851682633 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d67d9-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851682633} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d67d9-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851682633} {map[] }} 1 e93d6847-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851693662 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d6847-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851693662} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d6847-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851693662} {map[] }} 1 e93d68b5-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851704619 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d68b5-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851704619} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d68b5-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851704619} {map[] }}

vearne commented 1 week ago

This problem seems to appear when I restart the recording program or grpc client, the probability of occurrence is quite large, accidentally can be right, you can parse.

If the grpc server is restarted during the running of GrpcReplay, this problem will indeed occur. If the grpc server is restarted, GrpcReplay must also be restarted

vearne commented 1 week ago

replay look like slow, mybe blocked, parse also failed.

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d676a-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851671491} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d676a-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851671491} {map[] }} 1 e93d67d9-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851682633 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d67d9-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851682633} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d67d9-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851682633} {map[] }} 1 e93d6847-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851693662 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d6847-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851693662} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d6847-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851693662} {map[] }} 1 e93d68b5-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851704619 {"headers":{},"method":"","request":""}

2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] invalid msg:&{{1 e93d68b5-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851704619} {map[] }} 2024/09/09 21:16:20 [error] dst.Write:invalid msg:&{{1 e93d68b5-6ea6-11ef-99f9-04421a24b909 1725884862851704619} {map[] }}

2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/RoadsidePerceptionDownload, json.Marshal:proto: field xxxxxx.antenna.RoadsidePerceptionDownloadRequest.vehicle_name contains invalid UTF-8 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 74 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 73 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 71 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 75 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/GetV2VCommand, json.Marshal:proto: field xxxxx.antenna.GetV2VCommandRequest.type contains invalid UTF-8 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 72 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 69 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 74 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/PushVehicleStatus, proto.Unmarshal:proto: cannot parse invalid wire-format data 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 73 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 82 2024/09/09 20:55:28 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/RoadsidePerceptionDownload, json.Marshal:proto: field xxxxxx.antenna.RoadsidePerceptionDownloadRequest.vehicle_name contains invalid UTF-8

It seems that there are still some compatibility issues.

use: sudo ./grpcr --input-raw="" --output-file-directory="/tmp" --output-file-max-size=5000

These errors appear because there is a problem with the captured request body


When replaying the request, the corresponding fields will be checked. If an error is encountered, it will be skipped directly and the corresponding log will be output. It does not affect the use. If you want to speed up the replay, you can use this parameter

# Replay at 2x speed
fireblackman commented 1 week ago

2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113808308, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113809756, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113811204, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113812817, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113814265, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113815713, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113817214, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113818662, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113820110, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113821670, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113823118, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113824566, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113826386, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113827834, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113829282, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method:

I don't think there should be so many errors, and this error will cause data to be blocked and lose data for save to file . I only recorded half of the data.

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

Replay at 2x speed --input-file-replay-speed=2

this parameter use --input-file-replay-speed=100 , The vehicle only looks about as fast as it really is.

vearne commented 1 week ago

2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113808308, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113809756, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113811204, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113812817, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113814265, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113815713, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113817214, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113818662, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113820110, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113821670, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113823118, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113824566, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113826386, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113827834, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113829282, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method:

I don't think there should be so many errors, and this error will cause data to be blocked and lose data for save to file . I only recorded half of the data.

Without more clues, there is nothing I can do.

Set the log level to debug and try to print more logs.

export SIMPLE_LOG_LEVEL=debug
fireblackman commented 1 week ago

2024/09/10 16:20:35 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3875678891, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 16:20:35 [error] ParseFrameData:EOF 2024/09/10 16:20:35 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3875684683, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 16:20:35 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 64 2024/09/10 16:20:35 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 62 2024/09/10 16:20:35 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 70

After constant attempts, I found this error. and then it cannot resolve the requested interface data.

I don't think there should be so many index errors. Can it be optimized? If you need what you can tell me, I will provide as much as possible, thanks.

vearne commented 1 week ago

1) Is there a problem with the request parsing of all interfaces, or only a specific interface? 2) Did the grpc server restart during the grpcreplay operation?

I suspect that the grpc server restarted. If the grpc server restarts, grpcreplay must also be restarted

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

export SIMPLE_LOG_LEVEL=debug Why didn't it take effect with my local env. i think it should has debug info to print.

$ export SIMPLE_LOG_LEVEL=debug $ sudo ./grpcr --input-raw="" --output-stdout --codec="json"

/ __// \ / \ / __// \ / / / // // // // / / // / / // // , // // /_ / , / __/// ||/_/ \/// ||
2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] input-raw, [] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] input-file-directory, [] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] input-file-replay-speed, 1 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] input-rocketmq-name-server, [] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] input-rocketmq-topic, test 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] output-stdout, true 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] output-file-directory, [] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] output-grpc, [] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] output-rocketmq-name-server, [] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] output-rocketmq-topic, test 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] create new Processer 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] ipSet:[ fe80::c02e:3639:c93a:8590 fe80::b09a:6aff:fe8a:a5d2 fe80::bcba:b1ff:fe7f:419e fe80::9424:cff:fe2a:7ec5 ::1 fe80::42:b5ff:fe4a:eed5 fe80::4471:14ff:fed4:c92c fe80::b483:7ff:fec2:aae5] 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] plugins:##### len(Inputs):1, len(Outputs):1, len(All):2 ##### 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] All history connections has exited. 2024/09/10 19:30:19 [info] listener:device:lo, port:6789, filter:tcp and port 6789 2024/09/10 19:30:29 [info] create Http2Conn, MaxDynamicTableSize:4096 2024/09/10 19:30:29 [info] parseSymbol, svc:fabupilot.antenna.AntennaServer, method:PushVehicleStatus 2024/09/10 19:30:29 [info] create Http2Conn, MaxDynamicTableSize:4096 {"Meta":{"version":1,"uuid":"153e6737-6f68-11ef-bc79-04421a24b909",

fireblackman commented 1 week ago
  1. Is there a problem with the request parsing of all interfaces, or only a specific interface?
  2. Did the grpc server restart during the grpcreplay operation?

I suspect that the grpc server restarted. If the grpc server restarts, grpcreplay must also be restarted

1、i'm not sure, after this problem, all interfaces cannot be resolved. However, most interfaces can be resolved normally before appearing, except for the one caused by decoding failure with indexs.

2、The all services was not restarted during this test.

vearne commented 1 week ago
  1. Is there a problem with the request parsing of all interfaces, or only a specific interface?
  2. Did the grpc server restart during the grpcreplay operation?

I suspect that the grpc server restarted. If the grpc server restarts, grpcreplay must also be restarted

1、i'm not sure, after this problem, all interfaces cannot be resolved. However, most interfaces can be resolved normally before appearing, except for the one caused by decoding failure with indexs.

2、The all services was not restarted during this test.

fix log level bug. use tag v0.1.6

sudo SIMPLE_LOG_LEVEL=debug ./grpcr --input-raw="" --output-stdout
fireblackman commented 1 week ago

I have reproduced the question and send to you by ""

server start order by grpr_server -------> capture server -------> grpc_client, never restarted during test.

vearne commented 1 week ago

I have reproduced the question and send to you by ""

server start order by grpr_server -------> capture server -------> grpc_client, never restarted during test.

fix some bug. use tag v0.1.8 and try again.

fireblackman commented 1 week ago

2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113808308, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113809756, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113811204, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113812817, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113814265, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113815713, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113817214, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113818662, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113820110, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113821670, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113823118, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113824566, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113826386, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113827834, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:3113829282, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [error] finder.FindMethodInputWithCache, error:descSource.FindSymbol,service:,method:,error:Symbol not found: 2024/09/10 10:59:13 [info] parseSymbol, svc:, method:

I don't think there should be so many errors, and this error will cause data to be blocked and lose data for save to file . I only recorded half of the data.

The problem does not seem to happen again, but also has other two problem.

  1. some error cause lose data, log has send to you, look like connect lose and create new, then capture nothing. 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:1160396530, tcp flags:[ACK] 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [error] get TCP pkg: ->, seq:1160397978, tcp flags:[PSH ACK] 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [info] create Http2Conn, MaxDynamicTableSize:4096 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 76 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [error] method is empty, this is illegal 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [error] decoding error: invalid indexed representation index 71 2024/09/11 16:26:43 [error] method is empty, this is illegal

  2. There are some specific interface data parses failed, not knowing why, i had change the length that not work const ( snapshotLen int32 = 40000 promiscuous bool = false timeout time.Duration = 5 * time.Second ) follow: PushVehicleStatus, PushVehicleIntegrationInfo, ForwardVehicleMessage,GetRemoteEnvironment this problem cause interface data lose

3、other errors 2024/09/11 17:52:29 [error] hpack: invalid Huffman-encoded data 2024/09/11 17:52:00 [error] method:/xxxxxx.antenna.AntennaServer/PushVehicleStatus, proto.Unmarshal:proto: cannot parse invalid wire-format data maybe this problem your can analysis with proto. 2024/09/11 17:52:36 [error] ParseFrameData:EOF

vearne commented 6 days ago

OK, I'll take a look when I have time.

vearne commented 6 days ago

I modified the value of snapshotLen. use tag v0.1.9

snapshotLen int32         = 10 * 1024 * 1024
vearne commented 6 days ago

WechatIMG661 Tcp package is too big.

fireblackman commented 6 days ago

some problems:

  1. interface parse also has error, maybe has another reason.
  2. server3.log and capture3.log parsing data write file blocking.
  3. server4.log and capture4.log the header parse failed during the test. some logs had send to you.
vearne commented 5 days ago

The problem is clear, the dataframe size exceeds the MTU size, so it is split into 2 TCP packets. I need to implement the transport control layer, which may take some time.

vearne commented 2 days ago

some problems:

  1. interface parse also has error, maybe has another reason.
  2. server3.log and capture3.log parsing data write file blocking.
  3. server4.log and capture4.log the header parse failed during the test. some logs had send to you.

use v0.2.1 and try again. @fireblackman

fireblackman commented 5 hours ago

After a day of testing the parsing error does not seem to happen again, but there is one other problem that I mentioned in another issue