vearutop / photo-blog

📷 Minimalistic photo gallery.
MIT License
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Wiki content #8

Open vearutop opened 1 year ago

vearutop commented 1 year ago

GPX tagging

Tag photos in the current dir, based on the timestamps.

exiftool -geotag=my.gpx .
exiftool -geotag=./RunnerUp_2024-03-16-17-49-24_Biking.gpx -geosync=-01:00:00 .
exiftool -geosync=19:32:21Z@14:31:49-05:00 -geotag my_gps.log C:\Images

Convert Canon camera log to GPX.

# install if missing
sudo apt-get install gpsbabel

gpsbabel -i nmea -f 13120100.LOG -o gpx -F 13120100.gpx

# convert all *.LOG files in current directory
for FILE in *; do echo $FILE; gpsbabel -i nmea -f $FILE -o gpx -F ${FILE}.gpx; done
vearutop commented 1 year ago


vearutop commented 1 year ago

Resize 360 video

ffmpeg -i ~/Documents/CyberLink/Gear360/1.0/360/360_0164_stitched_injected.MP4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 ~/Downloads/360-3.mp4

then, inject 360 meta with

vearutop commented 1 year ago

Extract first frame of the video

ffmpeg -i <input> -vframes 1 <output>.jpeg