vechain / vechain-sdk-js

The official JavaScript SDK for VeChain.
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💡 [REQUEST] - Implement `eth_getBlockReceipts` for RPC Provider #1012

Open ifavo opened 6 days ago

ifavo commented 6 days ago


The RPC Provider fails with the latest graph node connectivity due a missing method implementation for eth_getBlockReceipts does list it as official API

I found issue by @rodolfopietro97, which mentions that hardhat does not rely on some functions, but I think a full RPC compatibility is what the SDK should aim for to open up to the whole EVM ecosystem, not just hardhat compatibility.

May I thereby also suggest to implement other functionality, which is in ethereums RPC documentation.

Basic Example

import { ThorClient, VeChainProvider } from "@vechain/sdk-network";

const thorClient = ThorClient.fromUrl("");
const provider = new VeChainProvider(thorClient);

const result = await provider.request({ method: "eth_getBlockReceipts", params: ["latest"] });
console.log("Successfully called eth_getBlockReceipts");