vector-engineering / covidcg

A COVID-19 CoV Genetics (CG) browser to inform therapeutics development
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RSV homepage text edit #628

Closed chan-solo closed 10 months ago

chan-solo commented 11 months ago

On RSV homepage:

"Subtypes that do not meet the conditions defined by "Displayed Subtype" in all six continents are filtered out of this plot. "Highlighted Subtype" meeting the user-defined conditions in at least one out of the six continents are shown in the legend to the left. Hover over Subtypes in the legend, or near them in the plots, to highlight the Subtype across all plots."

But there is no ability for user to define conditions. Text needs to be edited for accuracy... maybe just: "Hover over Subtype A or B in the legend, or near them in the plots, to highlight the Subtype across the plots of all six continents."

chan-solo commented 11 months ago

Also: "Only data from 2010-01-01 is shown, and sequence counts are grouped by year to reduce noise. Please note that the most recent data (most recent month marked by darker-colored band) is sparser due to lags in time between sample collection and submission."

Since sequence counts are grouped by year, that means we can remove the 2nd sentence. There is no darker colored band.