vectordotdev / helm-charts

Helm charts for Vector.
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Support vector chart using existing `Secret` instead of supplying secrets contents to`secrets.generic` value #206

Closed ktmq closed 2 years ago

ktmq commented 2 years ago

The vector chart currently requires you to supply the Secret contents through Helm values, so the chart creates and manages the secrets that vector depends on:

It is useful for charts to provide the option to rely on an existing Secret in the namespace, so the user can manage secrets outside of Helm (e.g., through kubernetes-external-secrets) and not have to worry about the security implications of passing the secret at helm install time, and risking accidentally committing the value to Github.

Example of using a pre-existing secret:

spencergilbert commented 2 years ago

Hi! It's not a requirement per se, and it was added to have similar behavior to the Datadog chart:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> \
    --set datadog.apiKey=<DATADOG_API_KEY> datadog/datadog


helm install vector vector/vector --namespace vector --create-namespace \
    --values examples/datadog-values.yaml  --set secrets.generic.datadog_api_key="${DATADOG_API_KEY}"


Using existing secrets is supported today just by using the env key:

        name: <existing_secret>
        key: datadog_api_key

From what I can tell, the Datadog chart uses datadog.apiKey or datadog.apiKeyExistingSecret always to inject the environment variable. Since not all Vector deployments require the use of secrets, I see less of an opportunity to "hard code" this.

@ktmq, if env doesn't cover your requirements, what sort of interface would you like to see here?

ktmq commented 2 years ago

Oh! I totally missed that I could use env 😅 That should be perfect. I'll try that out, thanks so much @spencergilbert !

Edit: setting via env worked great :) thanks again!