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Datadog Agent Source Regression in v0.24x #15292

Closed jonwinton closed 9 months ago

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

A note for the community


We noticed the following issue when upgrading from v0.23.3 to v0.24.0:

(1) CPU became spikey/less consistent

The charts below show how CPU explodes, Datadog forwarder error rates climb, HAProxy 5xx rates climb

Screenshot 2022-11-17 at 3 24 52 PM

(2) 504 error codes coming from the Datadog Agents writing to Vector for only the /api/beta/sketches endpoint

2022-11-15 22:52:12 UTC | CORE | ERROR | (pkg/forwarder/worker.go:184 in process) | Error while processing transaction: error "504 Gateway Time-out" while sending transaction to "http://vector-haproxy.vector.svc.cluster.local:6000/api/beta/sketches", rescheduling it: "<html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>\nThe server didn't respond in time.\n</body></html>\n"

This is also apparent in errors surfacing from HAProxy (deployed via the Vector Helm chart). HAProxy is using a leastconn balance strategy.

(3) Error logs coming from Vector for shutting down connections

{"host":"vector-599576bd9b-w2bq7","message":"error shutting down IO: Transport endpoint is not connected (os error 107)","metadata":{"kind":"event","level":"DEBUG","module_path":"hyper::proto::h1::conn","target":"hyper::proto::h1::conn"},"pid":1,"source_ty
{"host":"vector-599576bd9b-w2bq7","message":"connection error: error shutting down connection: Transport endpoint is not connected (os error 107)","metadata":{"kind":"event","level":"DEBUG","module_path":"hyper::server::server::new_svc","target":"hyper::se


data_dir: /vector-data-dir

  enabled: true
  playground: false

    type: internal_logs

  # Datadog Agent telemetry
    type: datadog_agent
    address: ""
    multiple_outputs: true # To automatically separate metrics and logs

    type: console
      - internal_logs
    target: stdout
      codec: json

  # Datadog metrics output
    type: datadog_metrics
      - <inputs>...
    api_key: "${DATADOG_API_KEY}"



Debug Output

I can only recreate this issue in critical environments where I can't create this output information :(

Example Data

I'm not sure what the Datadog Agent is sending to this endpoint

Additional Context

We're running in AWS EKS 1.21 in


No response

barieom commented 1 year ago

We're looking into this, will keep you posted, @jonwinton !

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Thanks @barieom! I wanted to add this screenshot of steady state CPU usage. Orange line is CPU requests, red line is CPU limit. Looking at network traffic there is are no outliers in terms of higher network load on a single pod.

Screenshot 2022-11-19 at 8 37 09 AM

Let me know if I can supply anything else to help!

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Thanks for filing this issue @jonwinton.

It looks like the vector helm chart was used for configuration of vector.

Would you be able to provide the complete helm chart values used, and the chart version you are using?

This would expedite the investigation and reproduction effort.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Definitely @neuronull !

Chart Version: 0.14.0 One comment on this: we're blocked from upgrading due to our current EKS version not having the autoscaling APIs defined in current versions of the chart. We're in the progress of updating, but it'll be awhile

We use Argo for deployment of the chart but we have a fun Helm args combining pipeline, I need some time to get the full config together.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull here we go:

      - podAffinityTerm:
            - key:
              operator: In
              - vector
        weight: 100
  enabled: true
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
  targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 60
commonLabels: vector "0.24.0"
      key: ...
      name: ...
      fieldPath: spec.nodeName
      fieldPath: metadata.labels['']
- mountPath: /mnt/secrets-store
  name: vector-secrets
  readOnly: true
- csi:
    readOnly: true
      secretProviderClass: ...
  name: vector-secrets
  enabled: true
  minAvailable: 10%
podLabels: vector
podPriorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
role: Stateless-Aggregator
rollWorkload: true
  annotations: <role id>
  create: true
    maxSurge: 0
    maxUnavailable: 1
  type: RollingUpdate
  enabled: true
    tag: &version 2.6.6
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi

    enabled: true
    minReplicas: 9
    maxReplicas: 50

  podLabels: vector-haproxy *version

        - podAffinityTerm:
              - key:
                operator: In
                - vector
          weight: 100

  podAnnotations: |
        "haproxy": {
          "init_config": {},
          "instances": [{
            "use_openmetrics": true,
            "openmetrics_endpoint": "http://%%host%%:1024/metrics",
            "histogram_buckets_as_distributions": true,
            "collect_counters_with_distributions": true

  customConfig: |
      log stdout format raw local0
      maxconn 4096
      stats socket /tmp/haproxy
      hard-stop-after {{ .Values.haproxy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds }}s

      log     global
      option  dontlognull
      retries 10
      option  redispatch
      option  allbackups
      timeout client 10s
      timeout server 10s
      timeout connect 5s

    resolvers coredns
      nameserver dns1 kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:53
      resolve_retries 3
      timeout resolve 2s
      timeout retry 1s
      accepted_payload_size 8192
      hold valid 10s
      hold obsolete 60s

    frontend stats
      mode http
      bind :::1024
      option httplog
      http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }
      stats enable
      stats hide-version  # Hide HAProxy version
      stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics  # Title text for popup window
      stats uri /haproxy_stats  # Stats URI
      stats refresh 10s

    frontend datadog-agent
      mode http
      bind :::6000
      option httplog
      option dontlog-normal
      default_backend datadog-agent

    backend datadog-agent
      mode http
      balance leastconn
      option tcp-check
      server-template srv 10 _datadog-agent._tcp.{{ include "vector.fullname" $ }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local resolvers coredns check
spencergilbert commented 1 year ago

Chart Version: 0.14.0 One comment on this: we're blocked from upgrading due to our current EKS version not having the autoscaling APIs defined in current versions of the chart. We're in the progress of updating, but it'll be awhile

Hey @jonwinton IIRC there's nothing really stopping us from backporting the HPA options to older API's. I think I stopped where I did because there was some amount of structural change that happened between API versions and I figured if someone needed the support we'd get an issue opened.

We'd be happy to get an issue opened for that support if that would help you upgrade.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

@neuronull here we go:

Thanks @jonwinton !

Forgot to ask as well- what version of the Datadog Agent are you using? Was it also upgraded or did it's version stay the same? Can you share the DD Agent config as well?


neuronull commented 1 year ago

Still investigating this but just had an observation.

In v0.24.0 #13406 contained a fix in the datadog_metrics sink. The sink was not properly utilizing the DD api key from the event metadata. Because your configuration is utilizing the datadog_agent source ,and the datadog_metrics sink and the datadog_agent source by default forwards the API key- v0.24.0 introduced a change in behavior for your config.

I'm wondering if the problem here is that the DD API key which is being sent to Vector from the Datadog Agent's configuration , is perhaps different than the one which is being configured in the helm chart via the secrets? (Or otherwise overriding)

By default, the datadog_agent source is configured to store the API key if it is found in the headers from the Datadog Agent requests.

To disable that, set store_api_key to false.

Would you mind giving that a try @jonwinton ? Thanks!

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay @neuronull and @spencergilbert ! Had some holiday time off and everything. Let me get you that info.

@neuronull I did test setting store_api_key and it didn't help.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Forgot to ask as well- what version of the Datadog Agent are you using? Was it also upgraded or did it's version stay the same? Can you share the DD Agent config as well?

@neuronull the version of the DataDog agent has been locked to 7.39.1 for the duration of this test.

We'd be happy to get an issue opened for that support if that would help you upgrade.

@spencergilbert I think we're going to be stuck on the autoscaling/v1 API for the next 3-6 months, so if it's possible to support those versions that would be amazing πŸ™‡

jszwedko commented 1 year ago

@jonwinton I see you mentioned you tried setting store_api_key. To clarify, did you try setting it to false? That is: store_api_key: false on the datadog_agent source. As @neuronull pointed out there was a fix in 0.24.0 to start using the API key that Agent sent metrics with when forwarding to Datadog, by default, to match the behavior of logs.

Also, is that the complete Helm configuration? I expected to see the Vector configuration in it, but I just see the HAProxy configuration.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@jszwedko yeah, tried setting it to false and it didn't change anything.

That is the full configuration other than the Vector configuration in the original issue body, which I'll re-paste below:

data_dir: /vector-data-dir

  enabled: true
  playground: false

    type: internal_logs

  # Datadog Agent telemetry
    type: datadog_agent
    address: ""
    multiple_outputs: true # To automatically separate metrics and logs
    store_api_key: false

    type: console
      - internal_logs
    target: stdout
      codec: json

  # Datadog metrics output
    type: datadog_metrics
      - <inputs>...
    api_key: "${DATADOG_API_KEY}"
neuronull commented 1 year ago

In v0.24.0 #13406 contained a fix in the datadog_metrics sink.

Just correcting myself- That change I was pointing out was included in v0.23.0, so that whole line of inquiry which followed would be invalid.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonwinton,

I've been trying to reproduce this locally and am not having much luck so far. :disappointed: Will summarize what I've tried and some observations, and maybe something will jump out at you.

Additional questions for you:

  1. Do you have any additional log snippets you could provide? For example, is Vector logging any Errors (not debug logs). And, perhaps the error logs from HAProxy?
  2. Since we're having trouble reproducing it, would you be open to trying some nightly builds between v0.23.3 and 0.24.0, and observing the first build which exhibits the issue? This could give us hints to which commits might have caused the issue and additionally raise confidence in the issue.
  3. Have you attempted this upgrade from 0.23.3 to 0.24.0 multiple times or just once?
  4. Have you performed similar upgrades of Vector in this environment before?

General observations:

My setup:

Permutations I've tried:

dogstastd program

from datadog import initialize, statsd
import time
import random
import sys

def log(msg):
    sys.stdout.write('{}: {}\n'.format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), msg))

options = {




while (1):

    for n in range(0,99):
        name = "foo_metric.distribution_" + str(n)
        value = random.randint(0,999)
        statsd.distribution(name, value, tags=["environment:baz"])


Agent helm values

  apiKey: <redacted>
  containerExclude: "name:vector"
    enabled: true
    containerCollectAll: true
    enabled: false
  enabled: false
  useConfigMap: true
    tag: 7.39.1
    kubelet_tls_verify: false
        enabled: true
        url: "http://vector-haproxy.default:8282"
        enabled: true
        url: "http://vector-haproxy.default:8282"
    dogstatsd_non_local_traffic: true

  - containerPort: 8125
    hostPort: 8125
    name: dogstatsdport
    protocol: UDP

Vector helm values

Effectively the same as your provided values , with the exception of tagging specific images, and hard coding the DD API key.
jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks for all the details! I'll try and answer everything here and will come back with deeper answers for some things I need to retrieve/update log levels for.

Do you have any additional log snippets you could provide? For example, is Vector logging any Errors (not debug logs). And, perhaps the error logs from HAProxy?

Let me go get some of those a little later. Pre-planned DR game day going on so a little distracted 😬

Since we're having trouble reproducing it, would you be open to trying some nightly builds between v0.23.3 and 0.24.0, and observing the first build which exhibits the issue? This could give us hints to which commits might have caused the issue and additionally raise confidence in the issue.

🀦 I'm sad I didn't think about doing this already. I will definitely do this.

Have you attempted this upgrade from 0.23.3 to 0.24.0 multiple times or just once?

Multiple times!

Have you performed similar upgrades of Vector in this environment before?

Yeah, we jumped onto vector in the 0.1x versions and slowly bumped up each version until 0.24.0

One other piece of context that might be helpful: this issue first appeared in our largest staging environment, so I'm wondering if it's related to volume. Are y'all running load testing benchmarks in CI? Screenshot to show the load where we're first encountering the error.

Screenshot 2022-12-07 at 8 24 48 AM

neuronull commented 1 year ago

I will definitely do this.

Thanks a bunch!

One other piece of context that might be helpful: this issue first appeared in our largest staging environment, so I'm wondering if it's related to volume. Are y'all running load testing benchmarks in CI? Screenshot to show the load where we're first encountering the error.

We do some sense of load testing within our soak regression tests- generally those soak tests will try to hit vector with the allocated resources available. But we don't have explicit testing to evaluate usage under different loads.

It is good to know that it might be volume related- I can take that into consideration for repro efforts going forward.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

So sorry for the delay @neuronull, but I'm working through the nightlies now. Will get you a report this week so it's ready for the new year πŸ™‡

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull ok here are the results:

jszwedko commented 1 year ago

Thanks for bisecting that down @jonwinton ! Just to confirm, do I take the above to mean that nightly-2022-08-16-distroless-libc did not exhibit the issue?

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@jszwedko correct! Here's a screenshot showing the version was nightly-2022-08-16-distroless-libc right before deploying the 2022-08-17 tag and everything was working as expected.

I'm working with DataDog Support to give you access to a notebook with the entire breakdown, but screenshots for now.

Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 3 06 38 PM
jszwedko commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jonwinton ! That would seem to narrow down the suspicious commits to then. Nothing immediately jumps out, but it should give us a much better place to start investigating from. The person investigating this is OOO this week, but we'll pick it back up in the new year. Appreciate all of the added context!

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Sounds good! Yeah I was beginning to look at since we only see the errors come up for distribution data, but I need a Rust pro to help out. That said, if any tagged releases can be pushed out that have any changes to test in our env, I can easily deploy them.

See y'all next year!

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Thanks for going through that effort and providing all that data @jonwinton , really helps!

I believe the hdrhistogram crate updated in #13973 can be ruled out as it only seems to be used in some example code.

After looking at that commit range, the one that stands out most suspiciously is #13960.

At first glance it looks like its unrelated because the code is only operating over Counter metric types, and here the affect type is distribution.

But then I noticed this in the helm values ...

"collect_counters_with_distributions": true

I'm currently working on finding out what that actually translates to in terms of the Agent's behavior.

But so far that commit is really the only one that jumps out to me.

We could also try a test of a private build containing the commits from 8-17 but minus this one.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull dang, nice digging! πŸ™‡

A private image works, or if you can give me the build commands for generating the libc image I can push an image into our private ECR repo. I tried digging into the build pipeline a bit, but my lack of Rust familiarity is holding me back a bit.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jonwinton !

Here are the commands to get to the correct state of the repo:

  1. git checkout 01c7a36
  2. git revert ef22eb9 2.a To resolve the conflict, open lib/vector-core/Cargo.toml and you want the line 89 to be test = ["vector-common/test"]

To build the docker image to your local cache:

  1. make package-deb-x86_64-unknown-musl 1.a (you can select different architectures too, see the available ones in Makefile)
  2. PUSH=false ./scripts/

Let us know how that goes or if you have any problems! Very curious to hear the result.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

@jonwinton , sorry for the spam- Ignore that last comment's instructions (there are some incorrect bits). We're working on improving the procedure to follow. In the meantime, I'll create the image and push it to the vector repo for you.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Alright, this image should do the trick @jonwinton. It contains that nightly build minus ef22eb9.


jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Perfect! I'll test this now

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull confirmed that we don't see the same issue with this version! Thank you for pushing that version out πŸ™‡

I guess next steps would be entirely on y'all's end?

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Oh dang, looking at that PR more, we're interested in maintaining the fix for this bug:

We're also dealing with interval issues and this would be helpful once we can safely upgrade 😬

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Great to hear that the build had the expected outcome!

Yes, the next steps are for us to figure out what is wrong with that commit :)

We'll definitely want to maintain the fix functionality. Good to know you also require that. Will keep this thread posted on progress~

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonwinton , I believe this issue may have been solved by #14741 , which was included in v0.24.2.

Would you mind trying that build?

I think we just didn't realize that it might have been already fixed in a patch release, because on the surface it looked so unrelated to any fixes in v0.24.1 or v0.24.2.

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Hmm I can retry later, but I went as high as 0.25.0 and still had the issue...I will confirm tomorrow

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Interesting πŸ€” . Ok thank you πŸ™‡

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull confirmed it's still borked in the v0.26.0 release 😭

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the follow-up on that @jonwinton !

In looking at your screenshots, looks like you have vector running in multiple pods. I'm just curious if you could describe how many instances you have of the Datadog Agent running, and how many instances of Vector running?

I'm investigating another issue that may overlap with this one. Thanks!

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Would you also be willing to share your HAProxy config ?

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull the HAProxy config is here, but pasting below without the Vector config:

  enabled: true
    tag: &version 2.6.6
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 1Gi

    enabled: true
    minReplicas: 9
    maxReplicas: 50

  podLabels: vector-haproxy *version

        - podAffinityTerm:
              - key:
                operator: In
                - vector
          weight: 100

  podAnnotations: |
        "haproxy": {
          "init_config": {},
          "instances": [{
            "use_openmetrics": true,
            "openmetrics_endpoint": "http://%%host%%:1024/metrics",
            "histogram_buckets_as_distributions": true,
            "collect_counters_with_distributions": true

  customConfig: |
      log stdout format raw local0
      maxconn 4096
      stats socket /tmp/haproxy
      hard-stop-after {{ .Values.haproxy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds }}s

      log     global
      option  dontlognull
      retries 10
      option  redispatch
      option  allbackups
      timeout client 10s
      timeout server 10s
      timeout connect 5s

    resolvers coredns
      nameserver dns1 kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:53
      resolve_retries 3
      timeout resolve 2s
      timeout retry 1s
      accepted_payload_size 8192
      hold valid 10s
      hold obsolete 60s

    frontend stats
      mode http
      bind :::1024
      option httplog
      http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }
      stats enable
      stats hide-version  # Hide HAProxy version
      stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics  # Title text for popup window
      stats uri /haproxy_stats  # Stats URI
      stats refresh 10s

    frontend datadog-agent
      mode http
      bind :::6000
      option httplog
      option dontlog-normal
      default_backend datadog-agent

    backend datadog-agent
      mode http
      balance leastconn
      option tcp-check
      server-template srv 10 _datadog-agent._tcp.{{ include "vector.fullname" $ }}.{{ $.Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local resolvers coredns check

'm just curious if you could describe how many instances you have of the Datadog Agent running, and how many instances of Vector running?

So this comes up in our staging environment where we have the following:

When we deploy any SHA/version beyond v0.23.3, the HPA on Vector tries to run 100+ Vector pods and we still see requests consistently failing even when HPA scales out.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Aside from the symptoms outlined in the initial comment @jonwinton , are you by any chance seeing a significant reduction in any metrics when observed in the Datadog UI ? Specifically, count and rate ?

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull it's hard to tell because anytime we go beyond v0.23.3 we see such a huge increase in errors that we see reductions across the board. Because it takes a certain amount of traffic from the DD Agent --> Vector to notice this, I have to deploy into a env where our engineers are working and so I can never keep it on for too long.

Specifically, count and rate ?

So the fun thing about all this: we're run an entirely Prometheus-based ecosystem and so we don't submit any rate metrics, only count/gauge/historgram/summary types.

But regarding your question, looking at the test time from yesterday with v0.26.0, these error charts show error counts at the HAProxy layer and show that the Vector backend begins having issues responding. The 2xx rate drops so I'm assuming the requests are retried and make it through OR they're dropped entirely. But since I don't have a great way of identifying which count metrics decrease.

Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 8 05 05 AM

This is a screenshot of our of our most popular count metrics. While we do see an initial drop in datadpoints, it seems to get back to normal as the number of Vector pods scales out.

Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 7 59 41 AM

Does that help at all? Not a great answer, but I'm hoping some of that was useful

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Does that help at all? Not a great answer, but I'm hoping some of that was useful

While not the "smoking gun" I was looking for, it is all useful info. Thanks!

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonwinton , I have a build that contains a fix candidate. Because I've yet to be able to repro this locally, it's a bit of a shot in the dark. But it essentially is a partial revert of some of the changes that went into that commit we identified earlier, while still maintaining the desired behavior of aggregation of metrics.

This is the image: timberio/vector:9c2662cfa_01-13-2023-distroless-libc

If you wouldn't mind testing that out, it'd be appreciated!

Note that this one is based from v0.25.2

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Of course! Let me check this now!

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull unfortunately the issue is still around. Seems like

Screenshot 2023-01-12 at 12 46 17 PM Screenshot 2023-01-12 at 12 48 12 PM

I definitely did see missing count metrics while this version was deployed but when I rolled back the test the values did fill in. The data seemed to be buffered in the DD Agents and then backfilled once I began the rollback.

neuronull commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for the quick turn around. And good to know that you also observed a decrease in count metrics.

I just found another potential problem. Unfortunately as I haven't been able to repro locally, your efforts to try builds are currently our best method of narrowing down the root cause.

If you don't mind another, I'm prepping a build now...

jonwinton commented 1 year ago

Not at all! Bring them on πŸ‘

neuronull commented 1 year ago



jonwinton commented 1 year ago

@neuronull sorry for the delay on that! Same results as last time, but I was able to grab a screenshot showing some missing counter metrics for the same charts that we've been referencing:

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 9 03 10 AM

After rollback the data does fill in:

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 9 05 52 AM

But in general, same results

neuronull commented 1 year ago

No worries! Thanks for providing that additional data about the missing count metrics. This is helpful. I'll regroup here and see about next steps. I'm hopeful since we have been able to identify the problematic commit. Will keep you posted~

neuronull commented 1 year ago

To re-confirm @jonwinton, you're using dogstatsd as an ingestion method, is that correct?