The component spec contains specifications for configuration, event processing metrics, and error reporting. #9325 tracks enhancing sinks with the full event processing metrics, but they still need to be audited for compliance with the remainder of the spec. Some of these may be completed by the closing of the associated issue in #9325.
[ ] Audit the aws_cloudwatch_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the aws_cloudwatch_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the aws_kinesis_firehose sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the aws_kinesis_streams sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the aws_s3 sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the aws_sqs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the azure_blob sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the azure_monitor_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the blackhole sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the clickhouse sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the console sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the datadog_archives sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the datadog_events sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the datadog_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the datadog_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the elasticsearch sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the file sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the gcp_cloud_storage sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the gcp_pubsub sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the gcp_stackdriver_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the gcp_stackdriver_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the honeycomb sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the http sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the humio_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the humio_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the influxdb_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the influxdb_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the kafka sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the logdna sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the loki sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the mod sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the nats sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the new_relic_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the papertrail sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the prometheus_exporter sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the prometheus_remote_write sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the pulsar sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the redis sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the sematext_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the sematext_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the socket sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the splunk_hec_logs sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the splunk_hec_metrics sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the statsd sink to adhere to the component spec
[ ] Audit the vector sink to adhere to the component spec
The component spec contains specifications for configuration, event processing metrics, and error reporting. #9325 tracks enhancing sinks with the full event processing metrics, but they still need to be audited for compliance with the remainder of the spec. Some of these may be completed by the closing of the associated issue in #9325.
sink to adhere to the component specaws_cloudwatch_metrics
sink to adhere to the component specaws_kinesis_firehose
sink to adhere to the component specaws_kinesis_streams
sink to adhere to the component specaws_s3
sink to adhere to the component specaws_sqs
sink to adhere to the component specazure_blob
sink to adhere to the component specazure_monitor_logs
sink to adhere to the component specblackhole
sink to adhere to the component specclickhouse
sink to adhere to the component specconsole
sink to adhere to the component specdatadog_archives
sink to adhere to the component specdatadog_events
sink to adhere to the component specdatadog_logs
sink to adhere to the component specdatadog_metrics
sink to adhere to the component specelasticsearch
sink to adhere to the component specfile
sink to adhere to the component specgcp_cloud_storage
sink to adhere to the component specgcp_pubsub
sink to adhere to the component specgcp_stackdriver_logs
sink to adhere to the component specgcp_stackdriver_metrics
sink to adhere to the component spechoneycomb
sink to adhere to the component spechttp
sink to adhere to the component spechumio_logs
sink to adhere to the component spechumio_metrics
sink to adhere to the component specinfluxdb_logs
sink to adhere to the component specinfluxdb_metrics
sink to adhere to the component speckafka
sink to adhere to the component speclogdna
sink to adhere to the component specloki
sink to adhere to the component specmod
sink to adhere to the component specnats
sink to adhere to the component specnew_relic_logs
sink to adhere to the component specpapertrail
sink to adhere to the component specprometheus_exporter
sink to adhere to the component specprometheus_remote_write
sink to adhere to the component specpulsar
sink to adhere to the component specredis
sink to adhere to the component specsematext_logs
sink to adhere to the component specsematext_metrics
sink to adhere to the component specsocket
sink to adhere to the component specsplunk_hec_logs
sink to adhere to the component specsplunk_hec_metrics
sink to adhere to the component specstatsd
sink to adhere to the component specvector
sink to adhere to the component spec