vectordotdev / vrl

Vector Remap Language
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Install release-plz to simplify release procedure #880

Open jdrouet opened 4 weeks ago

jdrouet commented 4 weeks ago

In order to simplify the release workflow, we should create a github action with release-plz. This way, it will automagically open a PR to release with the adequate version.

pront commented 4 weeks ago

I have an untested draft PR to do that:

But feel free to explore other options :)

jdrouet commented 3 weeks ago

I don't know if you have tried release-plz. It's fairly simple, you put a github action configuration that will run on the main branch, that will open a PR to bump the version each time you do a change. It can detect breaking changes and knows what kind of version bump to make. If you merge that PR, then the same github action configuration will create a github release and push the changes to

I've been using it on some of my crates like serde-toml-merge and mrml.

I'll open a PR with the change but I'll need a token with write access to VRL.