Closed justonlyasy closed 3 years ago
import solids; currentprojection=orthographic(1,1,0.7); currentlight.background = gray(.5)+green; viewportmargin=(1cm,1cm); picture pic2; size(pic2,300); path[] g = {box((4,0),(6,5)),box((4,2.2),(6,5))}; pen[] colors={red,green,cyan, gray}; colors.cyclic=true; for (int j=0; j<=11; ++j) { for(int i=0;i<length((j%2 == 0) ? g[0] : g[1]);++i) { path3 p=path3(subpath((j%2 == 0) ? g[0] : g[1],i,i+1),YZplane); path3 p_=path3(box((4,0),(6,2.2)),YZplane); revolution R=revolution(p,Z,j*30,(j+1)*30); draw(pic2,surface(R),colors[i]); draw(pic2,rotate(j*30,Z)*surface(p_),red); } } add(;
With code above, sounds as .html is not compatible with it. However, asy -f pdf name.asy or asy -f png -render=8 name.asy runs normally.
asy -f pdf name.asy
asy -f png -render=8 name.asy
Yes, I fixed it with
size3(pic2,300); and add(pic2.fit3());
With code above, sounds as
is not compatible with it. However,asy -f pdf name.asy
orasy -f png -render=8 name.asy
runs normally.