vectorgrp / sil-kit

Vector SIL Kit – Open-Source Library for Connecting Software-in-the-Loop Environments
MIT License
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Performance concerns #65

Closed fskoras closed 2 months ago

fskoras commented 2 months ago


I have prepared a simple simulation consisting of 3 participants (one of them is system controller) Each participant starts on a separate thread

I was trying to run an empty simulation on local host for duration 60s (executable built with debugging symbols) and it took about 17s real time (I didn't even use gdb). Is this performance expected? Could you please advise?

Kind Regards, Filip

Simulation spec

SIL Kit version: 4.0.50 operation mode: coordinated number of participants: 3 services used: lifecycle, time-sync initialStepSize: 1ms SetSimulationStepHandler: empty lambda function (for each participant)

System spec

Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11850H @ 2.50GHz, 2496 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s) OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045 Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32,0 GB


CMakeLists.txt simple.cpp.txt simple.yaml.txt

VDanielEdwards commented 2 months ago

Hello Filip,

thank you for your message! We think that since you are setting the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE inside of your CMakeLists.txt, this causes your executable to always link against the debug-build of SIL Kit.

The pre-built SIL Kit packages not only contain the release-build of SIL Kit (SilKit.dll /, but additionally a debug-build called SilKitd.dll (

Could you check which .dll (or .so) file is linked into your executable?

When building with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Debug, you should get the following dependencies:

> dumpbin.exe /dependents .\SampleSilKit.exe
  Image has the following dependencies:


While building with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Release, you should find this:

> dumpbin.exe /dependents .\SampleSilKit.exe
  Image has the following dependencies:


On Linux you can use ldd for the same purpose (ldd SampleSilKit).

The pre-built package contains both Debug and Release for historical reasons. We are however currently considering changing the package structure, such that we only delivery a single, optimized binary.

Kind regards, Daniel

fskoras commented 2 months ago

You are indeed correct, my binary executable was linking with SilKitd.dll

So do I have to explicitly specify link properties for my target to force CMake to link with release SilKit.dll like this?

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)

find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} simple.cpp)
target_link_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE C:/Tools/SilKit/current/SilKit/lib)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE SilKit Threads::Threads)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE C:/Tools/SilKit/current/SilKit/include)

Or is it perhaps possible to do with find_package? I want all my other build binaries to be built with Debug configuration

VDanielEdwards commented 2 months ago

Thank you for confirming! This is a bit of a hack, but for now you should be able to override the selected import-library and location properties for the SilKit::SilKit target like so:

    PATHS "C:/Tools/SilKit-4.0.43-Win-x86_64-VS2017"


set_target_properties(SilKit::SilKit PROPERTIES
fskoras commented 2 months ago

I just tried it right away and it works perfectly!

Your suggestion is a better approach than mine because it allows to inherit SilKit library properties through simple target_link_libraries call which is exactly what I wanted.

Thank you

VDanielEdwards commented 2 months ago

You're welcome! If you encounter any other issue, please feel free to create a new issue! Have a good weekend!