There seems to be a race condition with generating the in-line status for a coded test execution that fails. Rather than showing: "Expected results matched 0/1 (0%%) Fail" we sometimes see "No expected results exist"
The "Test Results" pane always shows: "The test run did not record any output." when running a script-based or coded test. This is confusing to the user. It might make sense to show the clicast stdout in this pane
The output pane for the extension shows the message: "Error running VectorCAST command" for failed tests (both script and coded tests)
There seems to be a race condition with generating the in-line status for a coded test execution that fails. Rather than showing: "Expected results matched 0/1 (0%%) Fail" we sometimes see "No expected results exist"
The "Test Results" pane always shows: "The test run did not record any output." when running a script-based or coded test. This is confusing to the user. It might make sense to show the clicast stdout in this pane
The output pane for the extension shows the message: "Error running VectorCAST command" for failed tests (both script and coded tests)