vectorwing / FarmersDelight

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Add some translations for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.(Branch 1.19) / 添加一些简体中文与繁体中文的翻译 #903

Open DuckDuckStudio opened 2 months ago

DuckDuckStudio commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure how to quickly identify which translations are missing, but I've supplemented the missing parts in the Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations by translating from the English (US) version (which seems to be the official translation). After these additions, all of these JSON files now contain 301 lines. (This part of the translation seems to be related to JEI.) 我不知道如何快速判断缺少了哪些内容的翻译,但我通过比较en_us和zh_tw/zh_cn的文件找到了一些缺少的部分,我通过翻译en_us中的内容来补全了这些翻译(en_us似乎是官方翻译)。 在补全完这些缺失的翻译后,en_us,zh_tw与zh_cn这三个翻译的JSON文件都是301行,所以我认为应该没有缺漏了。 (这部分翻译似乎是有关JEI的) This is a good project. :+1:

DuckDuckStudio commented 2 months ago

最近是没有维护了吗? Has there been no maintenance recently?

RaymondBlaze commented 2 months ago

I would suggest you target the 1.20.4 branch instead of the default 1.19 branch.

1.19 (and possibly 1.20.1) is deprecated as of the incoming update 1.3 for 1.20.4, and considering new localization entries introduced in 1.3 (by far I see 320 lines in en_us.json), looks like this PR needs an update.

Anyways, thanks for bring up the missing localizations problem :)

DuckDuckStudio commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your advice. I will change my PR.

DuckDuckStudio commented 2 months ago

By far, I see 312 lines in zh_cn.json and zh_tw.json. They semm like missing the some things.
I will newly built a PR to completion these translations.
我目前看到在 zh_cn.jsonzh_tw.json.中有 312 行。
他们似乎也缺少了在 1.19 分支中缺少的翻译。
我将会新建一个 PR 来补全这些翻译。

DuckDuckStudio commented 2 months ago

I reopen this PR to reception the newest comment.

DuckDuckStudio commented 2 months ago

I would suggest you target the 1.20.4 branch instead of the default 1.19 branch.

1.19 (and possibly 1.20.1) is deprecated as of the incoming update 1.3 for 1.20.4, and considering new localization entries introduced in 1.3 (by far I see 320 lines in en_us.json), looks like this PR needs an update.

Anyways, thanks for bring up the missing localizations problem :)

The new PR is PR #908 . Thank you for your advice.