vectr-ucla / direct_lidar_inertial_odometry

[IEEE ICRA'23] A new lightweight LiDAR-inertial odometry algorithm with a novel coarse-to-fine approach in constructing continuous-time trajectories for precise motion correction.
MIT License
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trival typos #14

Closed narutojxl closed 11 months ago

narutojxl commented 11 months ago

Hello author, Thanks for sharing your excellent work! I have some trival questions. Q1: After firstly process imu after this->imu_calibrated = true;, it seems this->prev_imu_stamp is equal to imu->header.stamp.toSec(), not the default zero value ?

Q2: ros odometry linear velocity is in some body frame, not in a world frame this->state.v.lin.b?

dxdydz3dt commented 11 months ago

Can you help me in regarding how to save the pose.txt file with time I want to use in my thesis. like: t x y z roll pitch yaw w (quaternion) Thanks

kennyjchen commented 11 months ago

@narutojxl --

@dxdydz3dt -- You can add something similar to this DLO service if you want to save the trajectory as a tum format.