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Provides GDPR shortcode for WordPress to provide GDPR update preferences form #280

Closed agileware-justin closed 3 years ago

agileware-justin commented 3 years ago

Provides GDPR shortcode for WordPress to provide GDPR update preferences form.

This is a re-roll of a previous PR which was merged and has since been removed. Unable to find any reason or explanation for the removal, so until there's a different method, I think this is what's required. Happy to hear alternatives.

Relates to

Agileware Ref: CIVIGDPR-5

homotechsual commented 3 years ago

This will need an update for PHP 7.4 array syntax deprecation warnings.

homotechsual commented 3 years ago

@rajeshrhino was this merged with the suggestions? Otherwise you're creating a new conflict with #288

homotechsual commented 3 years ago

I have updated #288 to fix this file as well.