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Sync limited to 25 MailChimp Lists #155

Closed ddoligalski closed 9 years ago

ddoligalski commented 9 years ago

We have run into an installation of the extension that is trying to sync to more than 25 lists in MailChimp.

In reviewing the extension code we note that there is a default limit of 25 set in the declaration of the getList function in vendor/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Lists.php.

The code that calls the getList function in api/v3/Mailchimp.php however does not provide an override to the limit so the 25 limit sticks.

I'm not quite sure of the proper way to handle this. An arbitrary higher value could be used, but then it risks getting hit as well. Probably the calls to getList in api/v3/Mailchimp.php need to check for more lists available.



veda-consulting commented 9 years ago

@ddoligalski we'll take a look and come back to you.

anumgoel commented 9 years ago

We at BackOffice Thinking will be happy to spend few hours to fix this issue and then we can send you the pull request. Please do let us know.


-Anum Goel

veda-consulting commented 9 years ago

@anumgoel hey, if you can that would be great. Issue the PR and we'll take a look.

anumgoel commented 9 years ago

Sure! Thanks

veda-consulting commented 9 years ago

@anumgoel just checking if you've moved on this?

anumgoel commented 9 years ago

Yes, we worked on the fix and we're testing it on our site, I should be able to send you pull request very soon.

veda-consulting commented 9 years ago

@anumgoel ok cool thanks

anumgoel commented 9 years ago

Hi - I just issued PR for this issue -


twomice commented 9 years ago

This fix works for me on a site with 32 lists (i.e. looks good for greater than 25, but I can't confirm anything for greater than 100). Thanks, Anum!

veda-consulting commented 9 years ago

Closing - other reports also show this is working